Got the link for that live?
Which app to dlownload the vids?
What is it from?
Perhaps Lucifer to be technical the "logic/light" side of their coin. Kirk would perhaps represent Satan the "hedonstic/loving" side of their coin.
Is there an accurate way to tell how much A.I. is being run on the board at any given time?
only a lowly woman.. oops, don't you mean only the woman he was in love with, his wife? she wasn't a stranger to him, she was the most important person in his life aside from Father in Heaven.
He loved her and he was probably very disturbed by her newfound lust for mysterious knowledge (knowledge of sin and death). These were people not characters in a story. They were human beings.
Women are vulnerable more than men, to spiritual seduction (emotionally-charged faltering) which is why Satan reached out to Eve not Adam. Women today are still the primary targets of fallen entities, for that emotionally sensitive (vulnerable) trait.
Nice work last night and this morning.
Not just good work, great work actually anon. Proud of you.