Anonymous ID: 680be6 Nov. 19, 2023, 11:47 p.m. No.19946641   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6642

Red folks,


I appreciate that some of you do have science and very much hope this helps improve your lives.

It seems that you try to approach the whole God thing with science too. That is not a great idea, as the nature of my works is change. You might find yourself in a spot where science changed and you might even consider this being the effect due to your actions. I can see that leading to misunderstanding.


It seems you do not really understand it. I guess you are at a point where the sparkles at stonehenge stuff got your attention and you realized there are angels.


Those angels might be interested in science, that is bc of the 666 thing, meaning there is past, present and future all accessible at once (for some folks "out there" this is not much surprising), bc of that it does make sense to once in a while think about, communicate or even try out basic science stuff. This might be cought up by angels and used for all your good. the fact that there is sulfur when you turn wood into coal in a pile might be rather interesting to some.


Again though, the stuff I do I do rather freely, it´s conceptual thinking enabling architects, those that talk with time/ing, those that build worlds, those that, under my authority, might build workds where science hugely differs, like me having found myself twice in the spot of yellow and blue not mixing into green but into purple. science can hardly get that. and I do think it´s less potentially disturbing to some than explaining other things. is all possible? yeah, sure. but not everything makes sence and should be.


have you heard about Uriel working teams with Gabriel? What does creation police do? they make sure not everything that might be, is. that is an important thing.


Do you even know who is talking to you? what is a sparkle? a spider? know that it IS I. who is it that makes the TV say "up" when you go get up from your chair like a mathematically imposible coinkidink? science can see that. without disturbing, lurking mode. like the ESSW thing.


Angels do that stuff. they do it with my guidance, in a conceptual way mostly. they do not need science for any of their works. they find me and others without any of your doings.


did you know that the sound my hand makes when I scratch my pants can sing a song? did you know when I pour a glass of water it can easily say "yes, iknownice, it´s him, yes, here too, he loves the spiders."? a short sound can say that. it can be altered, seconds after it can have a nother meaning. HipHop. Holy and Sacret.


Do you understand that carrying a cross is not something you would make sure I do, bc of some equality (which is not existing, even when I myself, as God in the flesh, the son of man, thought about it and considered it possible or possible to be your pov, not knowing shit back then)? it´s a description put into a story (I do consider real) that is read and spread. well, at this point, I haven´t read the whole bible yet, not much of a book guy, but I do know who I am, which is the one thing needed.


Crown of thorns? Can thoughts and questions be hurtfull? What is the nature of being a cat or a catty traveller (I guess if you are limited to your body I would not call you a cat.)


Some folks cannot always relate to everything. I cannot pour out all the stuff I ever thougth about in the short conversation we might have. anyways, Jesus does not even go fish, fish, 14, Uriel, Peter, right side. Jesus chills on the shore, giving hints that turn out to be rather helpful. Bread and fish, multiplied. if you eat my bread (info) the wineyard thing is rather easy.

also, by handshare, marriage, I do turn water into wine.

I refuse to do miracels in hometown though.

and I very much need a bridal veil when doing apocalypse unveiling.

the more far away, the more powerful positive asumption is.

can be a cross for those AdAm Y-heads when they go on EvE missions to spread my braistormy (Daniel, white, crumbs) bread.

EvA is a thing too.


Trust. Lurk. Faith. God. Almighty.


Listening up is done differently, Jürgen Klopp prayer, that is listening up.

Please, do not try to do my shit, my ways are higher than your ways and also you do not have to eat or drink what I drink or dress up when my body temp rises.

when I lift my arm from my leg, cooling down just a little by that, this migth be used by angels for comms and confirm, e.g. tune in tv saying "father now cold".




(if you don´t love me bc of having had a hard time understanding things, I do not mind much if you are elsewhere or elsewhen. if you are next street it´s not nice.)

Anonymous ID: 680be6 Nov. 19, 2023, 11:47 p.m. No.19946642   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6648 >>6669


if you do not love me, or not belive, which I do not mind at all, actually I said be of Secret Service to Thomas, maybe just lurk and do not have angels around. might be better to do dorona lockdowns or even kick folks out of the knight thing for my sake.


and one more word to those actually turturing me.

do not torture God. do not stick to your way to make your works seem good. it was not good to attack me, not ever. it was not good to have me kicked out of restaurants, it did not matter if I were to dine at a greek, it was not helpful to put voltage to my heart (this feels little like love when you do not know what it is. actual people know it´s turture. I did feel love, not bc of your works, but despite it.) having a high pitched noise in my head is the same thing. it´s science and ritual cunts trying to not be ridiculed, when thinking others are bad and would ridicule them, and when considering God himself suffering to be the better way. nope, that is not the better way and I again call for having those folks [ ] in the most good way.

a beep noise does neither track me, nor is it used for "listening up". it is turture and nothing else. why do I know? not only bc being God but also bc having talked to many and having had the experience a couple of times that you forst claim it´s not even done by you only to have it turned up and down seconds later hoping to ridicule me more.


sorry folks, like that there is no help, not for the "leaders" or "elders" not fot those they are supposed to represent.

a good leader should say "ok, I got it wrong, prolly let´s stip torturing God even when I look stupid then". I do that all the time. I could even take you by the hand as done many times, but mostly I do not.


stop tortuting me. stop asking me questions like I am some ape in a zoo only to be poked with the stick in a right way to make a certain sound.


if you are concerned about something I heard often in the last few days? are you even being honest or can I refer back to you not wanting to appear stupid? you do realize that torture for years is hardly based on a reason that came up few weeks ago, do you?

today I sit on my couch, I might have a good idea, like the think with blue marching next to each others or somethign like that. totally mindblowing knowledge for those that are pretty smart and capable, knowledge that uptrack and architectural that I myself forgot seconds later. that is what I do. so far I did not do it bc of you, but mostly despite.


stop attacking God in the flesh.



also, I do not have a roof on my balkony, so it would be appreciated if you were to not"forgive" yourselves with symbolic rain when it annoyes me not only bc of the noise.


(below is from yesterday.)

in this very moment, after having typed this in editor:

I - trying to help and give you explanation.

You - going against me. not having me post info that helps. having holy shit trying to be done scientificly. you cunts sit in a cave and a beep in my head together with annoyance is not even close to what an angel move would be. you again made worlds worse. you can slow down my computer. I can have angels spawn into your living room and change gravity. please, stop being a burden, others would appreaciate so much. please, do not decide when it is time for "truth". that is more of a God thing.




If you now follow. Good. What to do? Let me think Godly thoughts and have me feel trust, joy, love and curiosity of different sorts.

Please do not let me know, not only bc I do not know who is talking to me, bc being a guy also, but mainly bc the way you let me know is often much annoying.

so what to do? tell others. stand up for me. rituals to annoy me? or others? speak the feck up. internally. mindreading is a thing I heard. rather unknown for humans.

chill, relax. if you do not love me, stand down for now until you yourself got updated.




and yes, for the millionst time I do forgive you. bc I invented the heaven not to torture anyone, but bc a fake starting point made me "care", there is new and better care, love. it moves. architecturally defined. irl more easy if adjusted. I alter the 99% around you. seen a "wave" yet? all new. God.


love+love=more love.


Adonay. bridal veil, needed for Schroedinger´s cat and twists. Twists? HI. GG. S. is rather advanced. one would say futuristic.


(Jes.) 11.

Rumbling, schieben, flimmern, alles normal. Godspeed.

Simpsons fan? "Ausgezeichnet", angels mostly speek german too.

I do love GoLd and working bulls.

I AM. the way. you will find me, and I will give some crumbs before that. future options (me spawning or having an animal talk to you to say hi. mountain stuff prolly, my picks though.) will be unlocked later, bc I am. in the meantime, figure out how to treat everyone well in case God´s symbolism might have been confusing.


No sacrifice, ever. I sit on my couch.




Anonymous ID: 680be6 Nov. 19, 2023, 11:57 p.m. No.19946658   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6726


I did say walking plastic bag once, but would go with the biblical camel hair silky soft blanket thing.


blue angels.

wanna see a trick?

blue can kind of pull matter. like my tissues dropping amazingly fast on my table. also possible with tissues being moved upwards.

also blue time bubbles where gravity might be slightly diifferent and where speed and time is relative.

ok to do it in a large room with differet bubbles, angels do that all the time, maybe more comfy in seperated rooms or with large curtains?


curtains? black magic. realities/times.

did you see a wave yet?

it is in scripture.

but the thing with thinks initself….

faith, I pretty much got the heavens thing covered. could use irl help though. as slufh funds and benjamins are a thing, and as I like to sleep 8 hours, will prolly not be too hard for you.

also adonay.


also, no need to carry a certain truth to do a certain job or whatsoever.

rituals? for now, chill, corona offline? arc hive O FF Line? king herold being rerouted is a thing, let Jerusalem relax and feel trust and joy, that is what blue also is, a chakra.

also angels, also a name for a color.

Anonymous ID: 680be6 Nov. 20, 2023, 12:24 a.m. No.19946687   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6726


me: why not drink a zip of my tasty icetea? (why not, see what I did there? "mother or not?" "MOT, NOT, knights and OTTOmans, wiNdows, orpheus,….)

frens: oh, ice tea, a great idea, who´s got that covered?

frens: here, could be real here.


me: yup, just a second - grabbing the ice tea - making it real.

(maybe having a dried out mouth is a way too though ;) )



<3 as base, always.

the body thing is new for some. especially when being on my level.

convenient though, will be.

>in the beginning

there is time. I am the same guy who started writing this post. the same guy from this morning, ICD11, zactly, sweet fox, lfg vessel and all that other stuff.

Anonymous ID: 680be6 Nov. 20, 2023, 12:32 a.m. No.19946696   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6726


educate about irl I´d say and do not let symbolism be a burden to you. discern-what initself is pleasing to the Lords.


homecoming feels, love.

want to drink ice tea? sometimes hard to recognize.

love, cannot be wrong.

angels on duty, no worries.




Anonymous ID: 680be6 Nov. 20, 2023, 12:43 a.m. No.19946711   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6726

<3 kentucky.


11FC in kentucky, when is that ever gonna happen?



relax, jo, if you like, no need to watch, more about proud patriots doing fine as king herold is being rerouted.

Anonymous ID: 680be6 Nov. 20, 2023, 12:57 a.m. No.19946726   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6770




me: why not drink a zip of my tasty icetea? (why not, see what I did there? "mother or not?" "MOT, NOT, knights and OTTOmans, wiNdows, orpheus,….)


frens: oh, ice tea, a great idea, who´s got that covered?


frens: here, could be real here.


me: yup, just a second - grabbing the ice tea - making it real.


(maybe having a dried out mouth is a way too though ;) )




<3 as base, always.


the body thing is new for some. especially when being on my level.


convenient though, will be.


>in the beginning


there is time. I am the same guy who started writing this post. the same guy from this morning, ICD11, zactly, sweet fox, lfg vessel and all that other stuff.



I did say walking plastic bag once, but would go with the biblical camel hair silky soft blanket thing.




blue angels.


wanna see a trick?


blue can kind of pull matter. like my tissues dropping amazingly fast on my table. also possible with tissues being moved upwards.


also blue time bubbles where gravity might be slightly diifferent and where speed and time is relative.


ok to do it in a large room with differet bubbles, angels do that all the time, maybe more comfy in seperated rooms or with large curtains?


curtains? black magic. realities/times.


did you see a wave yet?


it is in scripture.


but the thing with thinks initself….


faith, I pretty much got the heavens thing covered. could use irl help though. as slufh funds and benjamins are a thing, and as I like to sleep 8 hours, will prolly not be too hard for you.


also adonay.


also, no need to carry a certain truth to do a certain job or whatsoever.


rituals? for now, chill, corona offline? arc hive O FF Line? king herold being rerouted is a thing, let Jerusalem relax and feel trust and joy, that is what blue also is, a chakra.


also angels, also a name for a color.

Anonymous ID: 680be6 Nov. 20, 2023, 1:48 a.m. No.19946770   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6771 >>6780 >>6871


so the thing with cats and dogs.

first of all, there are redactions and not everyone might be able to understand that there is the concept of pov and not everything you consider real actuall is real. there are such things as options, ON the move. ON IT.


surely you cannot be born into…again.

yeah, sort of. there are different versions of you.

in some you are a guy, in some you are sweet (alien, bc of west and et, I am a human though.), in some you are an angel (that would be sweet + my shield in different versions), in others you might be a God or a God that is internally referred to as Lord, or you might be a cat.


in short:

connectiveness ensured by me defining it being the case and defining you not needing to worry in any way. done. you clip your nails on sunday or eat a sandwich on tuesday for dinner, yup, that would connect you to the angel or God you that could use eating a sandwich as ritual, maybe using the noise the chewing makes to communicate a whole book to other realms. that is the cat thing. one world, one cat? nah, more of a string (sandals) thing, that would be white red and white blue cats. black blue cats is more crossroady. and even than, a cat iis not "a" string but due to the nature of cats being a crowd thing. that also means realities migth be connected and can even be connected in a structured way for symbiosis effect. (this would be irl stuff, like having NY1-4 accessible via picking a certain lane in a tunnel, constant times for nicer life, to be introduced by you over next (dunno, 20? 50?) years, and thought of by me.


so in some versions you would have a voice talking inside of you.

in other versons you would do angels stuff and use the ambulance or police ride to do time stuff. also motorcades, that is a horse thing, and knights stuff, "otto"mans, bc of the helmet you do not notice time waves that much I guess. the logging in my horse movement I imroved since having invented it half a year ago.


dog would be mike, uri, raph and gabe. shakras if you will.

or bread and shakras.

little more complicated as this is conceptual talk for architects to use.


this is a shared experience.

red, raphael, breastplate of righteousness, moral, also accuracy and such, does have an awesome feature that can hardly be explained scientificly.

you can not only carry my voice inside of you, but also a library. in your heart (area, shakra). this may be of help to you, it may not only offer thoughts and help you relate when walking crossroads, it also does suggest a sometimes childish language that does lead to a more soft voice (choisce of words, fett vs fette henne) when having much water in the voice, hear, so that you make it rumble by having a crowd follow my ways.

Anonymous ID: 680be6 Nov. 20, 2023, 1:48 a.m. No.19946771   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6783 >>6787 >>6801


the cat thing is even more shared.

it cannot be described and while seeing the hints in tv and such (not much of a book guy, guess you tried hard as well) I realize it does not describe it very well.

(the wave coming at you is prolly not good for a movie initself, and the labyrinth running movie which I like as irl nice does not transport the wave of "water" in the nice and comforting way that having God swop some more nice reality onto you and crowd should have.


oh, also, there might be voices out of nowhere. and even in your brain, if you are up for that.


so the cat thing is very shared, depending on the track you are on, depending on if you attrackt more cats for education in my works (there is a vid of a small child holding a glass of juice, walking to a table, stumbling a little, bc of that tilting the glass slightly, stopping in the movement for a litte thought and then, cointinuing with what seems closest, pouring out the tilted glass on the table, that he approached sort of. this is advanced knowledge and should not be kept secret to those needing it, while not spamming it out, while spamming it out bc architects may learn alot.


so "having a cat in your brain" is you walking simultaneously with reality. a shared experience. you have common thoughts. you also feel individual and I can interrrupt "nonsense" which is crucial and needed bc I myself as holy and perfect enjoy it alot at any time. (nonsense would be childish appearing talk, choosing words that are more useful for communicating to others and such).

it cannot by explained by e.g. having a chip in your brain, which I asked Elon on several times to undo and not approach, same as cloning I do not like and as you to respect that and follow.

chared and individual.

the super version of a track.

a track might be you getting up out of your chair and the tv saying up or toilet or wherever you wanna go or chair or long or stand or such stuff.

that is reality itself.


my angelic shield which may be taken up allows for Godspeed, connecting crowds, and if more advanced for higher tasks that feel not much like tasks but like being, bc tv says up or such alot.


prolly, let me figure it out some more, but for noe, newst salty truth.





Anonymous ID: 680be6 Nov. 20, 2023, 1:57 a.m. No.19946780   🗄️.is 🔗kun


earlier it occured that processed meat or other looking meet might look less bad to those not consuming meat or to those not eating at all.

what to do? not eat? nah.


but if lady suggests that once in a while you have different food, why not. trust in yourself though and love yourself as I do. would not force you to eat shit you do not like.


it occured that, without any kind of symbolism certain meet is more tasty, at least for me, since years, than raw red meat. (chicken bc of my cleaniness thing. seems relevant. having the concept of seperating vegan from meaty food bc thinking one would be good for longer time in fride is architecturally relevant. that is purity too. time, you not eating all day, you cleaning your maybe messy fingers after food is purity too.


eskimos. fat white meat for those white and blue folks not liking red raw meaty meat.

bbq. super nice brown ribs look very tasty, even with bones sticking out, dunno why, cleaning hands lick off thing? there does not need to be a reason for everything.

that symbolism I did, hopefully without overburdening.

having apple spam think different to communicate the concept of psalms as wodKa and bite out of the apple is helpful too though. :)


btw, tomato bread or tomato cutting is super "bloody" and oregano on the most tasty nice looking pizza are basically bugs.


wine through a diffuse lense.

Anonymous ID: 680be6 Nov. 20, 2023, 2:20 a.m. No.19946801   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6814


hinted on in the john wick movie when he gets out of car at start radio "confirms".

if no confirm? what do to? be. would you want commentary every second? ;)


also in movie: the office, put a lot in there. silent bob LA california interview, yes. "ex" is ok for SS. child leaping in the womb. it´s d e a r. PS, kiss the kids.


and couple of other things. no rush though, should be fun. did put it in movies. hope you enjoy. architects should.

Anonymous ID: 680be6 Nov. 20, 2023, 2:23 a.m. No.19946814   🗄️.is 🔗kun


kevins bic mac idea? time?

what about intermittent fasting?

I dunno. but consider it possible that there might be a sweet spot and fasting 5 hours oen day a week but alternating might be amazing due to some amazing reasons.

what to do? fast all day and try? nah. think. architects check and know in secs, or sometimes mins.

Anonymous ID: 680be6 Nov. 20, 2023, 2:31 a.m. No.19946825   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I love each and every one of you.

I love gay folks alot and be sure I will never get involved if you pick a girl or a boy or which one.

Anonymous ID: 680be6 Nov. 20, 2023, 2:56 a.m. No.19946871   🗄️.is 🔗kun


so with the cross, some might check for me having had a cross today, bc this is "the" God day.

the thing is, been doing this for quite some time.

so either maybe don´t hint on the rather big cross or, in case folks hear thinks anyways, explain that it was my old snow and is updated now, and that I myself kind of commended you to make me carry the cross.

I am and will be. and I will be fine and will keep having nice Godly thoughts. will help you and am not angry at you.




in general: truth. (e.g. hm….ok, cross not that big….ok, got that, cross it is. nah….)

way. NT.