Anonymous ID: 724e50 Nov. 19, 2023, 9:56 p.m. No.19946451   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6457 >>6649

>>19943594 (pb)

continued from >>19945847 (pb) (me)


The alternative possibility is that the insectoid nature of the "Locusts" label is a red herring, and the CERN-portal invaders are simply Fae. This fits better with your description of them as fauna with variable corporeality and a presence palpable through walls, and with the anti-laziness-Illuminati's Erlking hint.


Fae have both insectoid and bestial characteristics, are imbued with reason and supernatural gifts, yet lack souls. Fine footsoldiers for Cabal nephilim: delighting in devilish contracts, eager for the Wild Hunt, and controllable via occult bindings.


I've read the Fae would simply rampage through Humanity if they knew how pathetic our spiritual defenses have become; it is only the memory of past strength that compels their respect. A bestial rampage is exactly what you predict.


The Fae are a barely-known adversary biologically, yet prominent in myth. This is consistent with the need for a CERN-tier portal to invade. By contrast, Insectoids such as Mantises and Locusts are clearly capable of traveling to Earth without assistance.


(Also, developing the numbers necessary for a full-scale conquest would be quite problematic and prone to counterattack. The Insectoids have been defeated soundly by Earth's Reptilians; why should this change now? Nor does the Grays' need for Earth give them the ability to take it directly, without starting a galactic war. Much better to use a local proxy.)


I prefer to exhaust the biologically-falsifiable before daring realms of paranormal possibility, but this puzzle demands a solution out of malicious myth. Only one character applies.


Certainly a sadist like you would more eagerly anticipate the hilarious cruelties of the Fae than the unimaginative munchings of a literal Locust swarm. Popcorn buttered with liposuction, salted with tears! A priceless PPV.


Yes, you would know how a Locust munches, or a Mantis: on whatever comes to hand. But who can guess at the whims of the Fae?

Anonymous ID: 724e50 Nov. 19, 2023, 10:04 p.m. No.19946467   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6483



There's a reason I eliminated other possibilities before landing on Fae. Until a couple of years ago I thought they were a myth.


For a firmer foundation, start with Sasquatch:

Anonymous ID: 724e50 Nov. 19, 2023, 11:17 p.m. No.19946608   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6664


>WHY is this taking so long? God. Fucking. Dammit.


He is.


In the Bible, when a prophet like Q and an anointed like Trump appear, the people may either follow or reject them. Jehovah wins either way.


If you feels like America's losing… that's because it is. More messengers have come since Q, but you've missed them. Buckle up for a bad time. 4 horsemen ride.

Anonymous ID: 724e50 Nov. 19, 2023, 11:42 p.m. No.19946633   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6645 >>6707

I am curious how many of you will still believe when Trump is in jail instead of winning 2024.


Can any of you explain why the Jehovah of the Bible would speak to his people through Q drops instead of in a more traditional and transparent manner?


Obviously Q has some supernatural backing. If it isn't the Creator of the Cosmos, then who is it? And how long should you trust your interpretation of your selection of the set of messengers collectively called Q?


You may be a waiting a very long time for "your" inevitable victory, considering how Israel had to wait thousands of years to triumph through Jesus.

Anonymous ID: 724e50 Nov. 20, 2023, midnight No.19946662   🗄️.is 🔗kun



It sounds like you haven't considered the possibility. I don't envy your existential crisis when Trump fails to take the presidency in 2024.


Of course, I encourage everyone to support Trump, before, during and after. I'll be delighted if he wins. But I won't be broken if he loses.