Anonymous ID: 2423ac July 1, 2018, 9:11 p.m. No.1994774   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4817 >>4848 >>4998

File this under be careful what you wish for.

This is why California legalized weed.

Follow the money.

Small growers are not happy to be getting regulated out of business.


All weed must go: California cannabis businesses brace for new regulations


A fire sale took place at marijuana dispensaries on Saturday. Strict regulations go into effect July 1 across the state, which means shops had to sell all non-compliant products by the end of business day Saturday.

California is requiring shops to sell only marijuana that has been tested for pesticides, potency and microbiological contaminants.

Many businesses aren't happy about the new requirements. Nearly 150 marijuana businesses warned they could face crippling financial losses unless the state extends the July 1 deadline.

In a letter to Gov. Jerry Brown, the United Cannabis Business Association said the changes would further unsettle the struggling legal marketplace that launched Jan. 1, potentially forcing businesses to close their doors.