Anonymous ID: 5d9af6 July 1, 2018, 10:01 p.m. No.1995320   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I just want to say this.


Message to the Q team: Never loose perspective of what is at stake. Those ass-hole "only" wanted to kill off a few billions people and enslave humanity for a few CENTURY! They have already started countless wars, revolution and countless other crime against humanity. You wont be able to save everybody. WE all have skin in this. The criminals you are about to corner into a corner and prosecute are part of the old plan. That plan was an orderly take over of the world.


The new plan that is active right now is not so orderly. They have been operating since the french revolution (That I know of) They know how to organize WITHOUT technology. You wont see them coming.


The only way to counter this is to move before they do. So be quick because we wont EVER get another chance like this!