Anonymous ID: b8be01 July 1, 2018, 9:04 p.m. No.1994692   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4937

This movement is the beginning of a new construct of "social intelligence" - modeling an interactive form of self-government for the people that has never before been possible.


"Intelligence" is not just stored information, but also how it is mined, processed and manifest.

Here, these four tasks are manned by white hats, anons, social media and alternative news, respectively.


But none of this is new "under the sun." This same design of the STORM is found in a composite of archetypes in ancient texts, believed to refer to precisely our time, that also mention how to make it and keep it viable. It comprises the following five names in order. Observe how each relate to the same operation as the STORM.


Epaphrus means, "One devoted to superimposing times, places or orders." This describes POTUS and all his old-school generals with their utmost experience and knowledge of history. They are able to formulate the best plans for having knowledge of how similar or related plans have faired in the past.


Marcus means, "warlike" in Latin, "hammer" in the Gaelic. A hammer is also widely associated with battle and political change. This compares with the work of the Q team, the NSA, Marines and other white hats more actively involved in the present deep-state struggle.


Aristarchus means, "breakfast of champions." This compares with the bread and info anons have produced on this board. This is the primary source of "meal" people need once the have WOKE. But it is generally filtered through the work of the next two characters.


Demas means "popularity." This "popularity" is ascertained by refinement and exposure of the work in social media (to control the narrative).


Lucas means "bringer of light," and compares with the more esteemed forces of alternative news that "illuminate" the public visibility of what the public is ready for. This archetype also compares with another we all apprise for bringing light (out of chaos), which is the chans unique embodiment of the frog-headed Egyptian god, Kek.


All these names appear in this same order of operation as that of the STORM - and are found in a cryptic appeal for public recognition as collectively authoritative in now-imminent Christian leadership.


Detailed explanation in subsequent posts here: >>989661