Anonymous ID: 3c760e Nov. 20, 2023, 4:50 a.m. No.19947206   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7225 >>7460

Far-right libertarianJavier Mileiwins Argentina's presidential election

Rebecca Falconer


Of note: Trump congratulated Milei on his Truth Social platform on Sunday night, saying: "The whole world was watching! I am very proud of you. You will turn your Country around and truly Make Argentina Great Again!"


Celebrating his victory


Anonymous ID: 3c760e Nov. 20, 2023, 5:17 a.m. No.19947307   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7552

20 Nov, 2023 12:52

Protesters in EU nation blocking aid to Kiev – Ukrainian official

Polish hauliers are stopping deliveries of fuel and other goods across the border, a deputy minister has said


Polish truckers demanding tougher rules for their Ukrainian competitors have blocked more than 1,000 cargo vehicles at the border, including those carrying humanitarian aid for the embattled nation, Kiev’s deputy minister for infrastructure says.


Writing on Facebook on Sunday, Sergey Derkach said he and his team had visited the border area where 1,200 trucks are stuck at the Krakivets-Korchova checkpoint, with another 500 at Grebenne, both not far from Lviv. He also noted that Ukrainian authorities had delivered food, water and medicine supplies for drivers there.


According to Derkach, the situation “is no less critical” at the Dorogusk checkpoint in the northern section of the border, where more than 1,200 trucks are queuing, with supplies due to arrive there soon as well.


The deputy minister criticized protesters for not allowing trucks carrying humanitarian aid to enter Ukraine. “We have recorded numerous instances of fuel tankers and humanitarian trucks standing in queues,” he said, adding that Ukrainian officials had been in contact with their Polish counterparts to resolve the issue.


Derkach also said the two checkpoints that he had personally visited were being blocked by no more than 15 protesters. “In fact, a dozen people are holding the border hostage,” he said, adding that the arrival of the Ukrainian delegation had helped to ease the congestion.


The protest, which has been going on for at least two weeks,stems from the EU’s decision to exempt Ukrainian truckers from seeking permits to cross the Polish borderafter the start of hostilities between Moscow and Kiev. Polish hauliers insist that the waiver has hurt their business by encouraging Ukrainian competition and driving down prices.


Commenting on the gridlock earlier this month, Vladimir Balin, the head of the Association of International Carriers of Ukraine, described the situation as “a disaster,” warning that if the protests continue for several more weeks, the country’s economy will suffer greatly. Ukrainian officials also sounded the alarm about the possibility of prices soaring by between 7% and 10%, with many contracts with global partners in jeopardy.


Last week, Derkach said Ukraine had held talks with both Polish andEU officials on the issue, but rejected Polish truckers’ demandfor the permit system to be reinstated.


(More than one country will block Ukraine from being accepted into the EU)

Anonymous ID: 3c760e Nov. 20, 2023, 5:33 a.m. No.19947360   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7552

YOUNG VOTERS CHOOSE TRUMP: New NBC poll shows Trump beating Biden nationwide, winning in 18-34 age bracket

Sara HigdonNov 19, 2023

NBC's Poll reflects other recent high-profile polls from CNN and The New York Times/Siena showing youth vote moving right.


On Sunday, a new poll revealed that more young people are supporting former President Donald Trump than they are President Joe Biden.


According to the NBC poll,46 percent of respondents aged 18 to 34 said they would vote for Trump, compared to a smaller 42 percent for Biden. The poll has former President Trump beating Biden in a hypothetical general election matchup, 46 to 44 percent.


One issue that the President has seen the biggest issue is his handling of foreign policy, where only 33 percent approve of his performance. On Biden's handling of the war betweenIsrael and Hamas, 70 percent of respondents aged 18-34 disapprove of the job Bidenhas done.


NBC is not the only organization to find that Biden is struggling with young voters in the polls; numerous public surveys have yielded similar conclusions. Other recent high-profile polls from CNN and The New York Times/Siena show the youth vote moving right.

"This poll is a stunner," Democratic pollster Jeff Horwitt of Hart Research Associate said of the results, "and it’s stunning because of the impact the Israel-Hamas war is having on Biden.”


"Joe Biden is at a uniquely low point in his presidency, and a significant part of this, especially within the Biden coalition, is due to how Americans are viewing his foreign policy actions," he added.


The NBC poll, which took place between November 10-14 and included 1,000 participants, is only the latest poll that shows President Trump winning over young voters who have historically been key for Democrats to win. A Fox News poll taken at the same time showed Biden with 51 percent of the young vote, while Trump carried 44 percent.


A CNN poll at the end of October showed former President Trump with a one-point lead among the age group at 48 to 47 percent. Around the same time, CNBC and the New York Times also showed Trump within the margin of error of Biden among those 18 to 34.


To compare, Pew Research exit polls from the 2020 election showed voters between the ages of 18 to 29 went for President Biden 59 to 35 percent, and 55 to 43 percent among those 30 to 49 years old.



31-Jan-2020 12:22:57 PM EST

What happens when people learn the TRUTH?

What happens when people WAKE UP?

They will not be able to walk down the street.



Anonymous ID: 3c760e Nov. 20, 2023, 5:42 a.m. No.19947403   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Biden admin funds alternative heat tech with $169 million using Defense Production Act in effort to eliminate gas stoves

Sara HigdonNov 19, 2023

Earlier this week, Biden claimed climate change is the "ultimate threat to humanity."


On Friday, the Biden administration announced that it would use wartime powers to allocate $165 million from the Inflation Reduction Act to increase the production of heat pumps, arguing it will produce energy that is more "climate-friendly."

According to The Hill, the administration plans to use the Cold War-era Defense Production Act, which allows the president the ability to bolster certain industries if needed to help national security.


Director of the Energy Department's Office of Manufacturing and Energy Supply Chains Giulia Siccardo told the outlet, "Most of the companies that we announced today, seven out of the nine, are actually not yet manufacturing heat pumps here in the U.S., or heat pump components, in the U.S.Amer at scale," so the money would allow them to build the factories to do so.


She added that using the Defense Production Act allows them the ability "to quickly deploy funding to be able to add or convert manufacturing capacity."


In a statement, National Climate Advisor Ali Zaidi touted the plan as a "win, win for our economy, our workers, and our planet." He wrote, "This acceleration of electric heat pump manufacturing also shows how President Biden’s Investing in America agenda is advancing American innovation, cutting energy bills for hardworking families, and tackling the climate crisis."


CEO of the American Gas Association Karen Harbert was less than pleased with the announcement. She wrote in a statement, "We are deeply disappointed to see the Defense Production Act, which is intended as a vital tool for advancing national security against serious outside threats, being used as an instrument to advance a policy agenda contradictory to our nation’s strong energy position."


Earlier this week, President Biden claimed that climate change was the "ultimate threat to humanity."


The idea that climate change is a threat to national security is nothing new for the Biden administration. In July 2022, Department of Defense spokesman John Kirby claimed as much. He said, "The Pentagon has noted not just in this administration, but even the previous one, that climate change is a national security issue."


"Not only does it affect our infrastructure…you're already starting to see military bases, like Norfolk Naval Base, having to invest millions of dollars to try to improve their infrastructure because of rising sea levels," Kirby said. "It has an impact on our readiness because you're seeing it now, even in the wildfires where so many National Guardsmen are being called out."


Correct Title

President Biden claimed that “he himself along with his Admin”” is the "ultimate threat to humanity."

Anonymous ID: 3c760e Nov. 20, 2023, 6:01 a.m. No.19947496   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Promise last one. This is a keeper, Trump imitates Bidan trying to get off the stage

Anonymous ID: 3c760e Nov. 20, 2023, 6:40 a.m. No.19947660   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7662

20 Nov, 2023 14:09

Ukrainian thugs raid Christian monastery – diocese

A priest’s jaw was reportedly broken in the latest attack on the Ukrainian Orthodox Church


A group of men wearing khakis broke into a Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) monastery on Monday in what the diocese described as the latest raid on its property.Police and Ukrainian nationalists reportedly assisted in the violent seizure.


The UOC, which has faced an escalating crackdown by the government of President Vladimir Zelensky, warned on Monday morning of an imminent attack on the male monastery of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the city of Cherkassy, which is located some 150 km southeast from Kiev.


An update posted by the diocese an hour later said a storming was underway. A video shared by it depicts a group of men climbing over a fence surrounding the monastery, some of them throwing punches at people on the other side.


The OUC called theattackers “bandits in military uniforms” and said they were snatching and destroying people’s phones. The mob broke a priest’s mandible, the report claimed, citing paramedics, and several other people were injured. “There are some 150 uniformed people at the monastery now. With active assistance by the police, the raiders are beating up the believers,” the diocese claimed.


It said members of the National Corps, a nationalist civic organization widely considered to be thecivic wing of the Azov unit, were blocking the hospital, where victims were taken.


Azov is a powerful bloc of the National Guard of Ukraine that has informal ties with far-right groups worldwide. Kiev claims that the unit has cleansed itself from its original neo-Nazi elements.


The UOC has been targeted by a government crackdown since last year. Kiev has branded priests and bishops of the church as clandestine Russian agents, arresting some of them for alleged crimes, such as incitement of hatred. Agents of the SBU, Ukraine’s security agency, have raided churches and monasteries purportedly to find evidence of collaboration with Moscow.


Some Ukrainian officials have made it clear that priests and monks can avoid harassment by breaking away from the UOC and joining the Kiev-backed Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU). Kiev stands accused of encouraging the forced seizure of church property in favor of the rival denomination.


A previous attempt to take over the monastery in Cherkasy happened last Wednesday, according to the diocese. The raiders claimed that monks made a decision to switch allegiance in August, but the monastery head denied that. On Saturday the clerics and lay people attending the monastery church voted in favor of remaining part of the OUC, a video of the event published by the church said.


The monastery traces its origin to 1901, after two wealthy city residents donated a plot of land they owned to the church. It was initially used to house pilgrims, and then a church was built on the location. In the 1940s, after a Soviet anti-religion campaign and Nazi Germany’s devastation and occupation of the city, it briefly served as the main city church. The OUC gave a blessing to operate a monastery at the location in 2002.

Anonymous ID: 3c760e Nov. 20, 2023, 6:45 a.m. No.19947671   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ingraham Angle polls audience and 0 people raised their hands for Niki and only a two or three for DeSadist, most all for Trump



Anonymous ID: 3c760e Nov. 20, 2023, 6:55 a.m. No.19947709   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I agree, the trolls, shils and bots are always the first to jump on a bannon video. Just mentioning his name brings out the shitty articles on Bannon and Jones. They go crazy!

Like mentioning Poso

Anonymous ID: 3c760e Nov. 20, 2023, 7 a.m. No.19947727   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Bannon does good work. All those 100s of 1000s of calls to Congress is because his posse started it. He has excellent interviews and lots of good subject. Its the content that is important.