Anonymous ID: 931700 Nov. 20, 2023, 5:08 a.m. No.19947276   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Biden’s birthday prompts debate about age, wisdom and the mature president


Washington, DC



President Joe Biden is marking his 81st birthday milestone Monday with a low-key family celebration as he braces for a strenuous election year ahead.


But even as the first family keeps the celebrations muted and out-of-sight, the moment nevertheless highlights his greatest campaign liability – his advanced age and, along with it, perceptions among voters that his physical and mental fitness have declined.


Officials at the White House and the campaign privately acknowledge it’s an issue, and they work both to eliminate potential gaffes and project vigor. Biden was prescribed custom orthotics to help with his feet this year, after his annual physical determined that he experiences a “stiff gait.” In recent months, when Biden flies on Air Force One, he has started using a smaller, shorter set of stairs more frequently to board and deplane.


Biden has also made an effort to pass reporters on bike rides during vacations in Delaware, occasionally stopping to take questions while clad in his helmet. (The president is an avid user of Peloton at the White House.)


Still, the age liability comes into sharper focus almost by the day. A spate of recent polling, including a new CNN poll, indicates it’s a chronic issue with voters. And critics raise it every chance they get. On Saturday, former President Donald Trump, the front-runner for the GOP nomination, called Biden “a stupid person” who “can’t get off this stage … by the time whatever it is he’s taking wears off,” prompting cheers from a crowd in Fort Dodge, Iowa. On Sunday, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, 45, remarked that “Father Time is undefeated,” naming age as an issue for both Biden and Trump, 77, in an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper.


Biden already is the oldest president in history, ahead of Ronald Reagan, who was 77 at the end of his second term. If elected in 2024, Biden would be 86 at the end of his second term. Trump, who would be approaching 83 at the same point, would take the baton for oldest president in history if elected.


Biden advisers argue – and grumble – that there’s a double standard, with media coverage more focused on Biden’s age than Trump’s. Still, they insist that voters are focused on other issues and that age won’t be a deciding factor next November.


“I don’t think the campaign should be focused on anything but the winning record,” said Democratic Rep. Robert Garcia of California, a member of the Biden campaign’s national advisory board. “Everything else about people’s biographies or when their birthdays are – that doesn’t matter. People want to know, what did they do, and what are they going to do?”


On Monday, Biden’s birthday milestone will pass with little fanfare. His day is set to include the time-honored pre-Thanksgiving tradition of the annual turkey pardon. He is also expected to receive briefings from his national security advisers on global crises.


The campaign isn’t ignoring Biden’s birthday, aides told CNN. A Democratic National Committee official tells CNN there are plans to commemorate the occasion with a post to social media, as the party has done every year since 2011, except in the three years when he was a candidate or prospective candidate.


The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is also urging supporters to sign a virtual birthday card for the president.

Anonymous ID: 931700 Nov. 20, 2023, 5:29 a.m. No.19947337   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Hellory was an Elector to.

How is that legit?

How are the backgrounds of Electors NOT an issue?


Whatever, same lies, different day.


Nevada’s Fake Elector Fight Brings an End to the Republican Voter Fraud Myth


The Republican Party spent decades trying to make it harder for ordinary people to vote under the pretense that it was interested in combating the scourge of election fraud. Conservative lawmakers have used this phantasmal threat to justify passing strict voter-ID laws and limiting access to absentee ballots. In the summer of 2020, Justice Samuel Alito and the Supreme Court’s other conservative justices even ruled that states could cite a fear of voter fraud to defeat Voting Rights Act challenges to potentially discriminatory state election laws.


Then President Donald Trump, his close allies, and a motley crew of state GOP officials carried out the most comprehensive scheme to commit election fraud in American history. During the 2020 election, at the Trump campaign’s direction, Republicans in multiple states organized slates of people who falsely certified that they were duly chosen electors for the Electoral College. Some of them then tried to submit their votes to the Senate and the National Archives to be counted.


The goal was to thwart the will of the American people in electing their next president. Some participants in these schemes have already been charged. Others may still face some sort of legal reckoning. Earlier this week, multiple news outlets reported that Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford (no relation) is investigating state Republican officials for carrying out a fake elector scheme during the 2020 presidential election. Their aim: to supplant the legitimate choice of Nevadans, who voted to back President Joe Biden, with their own.


As with any such undertaking, the initial details are currently scarce. It is unclear whether Nevada’s investigation is civil or criminal in nature or what, if any, consequences those who participated in this plan might face. No matter the outcome, the case highlights the need for states to impose more precise laws for dealing with future fake elector schemes and other potential coup attempts.


In two other states, prosecutors have already brought charges against the alleged participants in fake elector schemes. Fani Willis, the district attorney of Georgia’s Fulton County, carried out the most sweeping investigation. She charged 19 people for their involvement in a scheme targeting that state’s electors, including Trump himself and some of his closest allies. A handful of the alleged co-conspirators, including lawyers Sidney Powell and Ken Cheseboro, have already struck plea deals with Willis.


Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel filed charges against fake electors in her own state in July, charging 16 defendants with various forgery and conspiracy-related offenses. (One of them saw their charges dropped last month as part of a plea deal.) The Michigan fake electors took the additional step of submitting their certificates to various government agencies as if they were legitimate. That’s about as clear-cut as it gets when committing election fraud.


moar bullshit