Anonymous ID: cee301 Nov. 20, 2023, 4:54 a.m. No.19947220   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7310


secret religion whistle blower say they test you - and only corruptable get beyond a certain point.

Lower levels are honest


good vid if you never saw it. Have to watch it in bits since its so long

Anonymous ID: cee301 Nov. 20, 2023, 5:11 a.m. No.19947290   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7310


yes, BV and BO are doing a great job

Ethnicity is neutral.

Shills target anons just as FB 1 targets Trump

Who are the biggest Trump supporters who have the goods on his enemies and are able to wrtie freely about it?


Anonymous ID: cee301 Nov. 20, 2023, 5:34 a.m. No.19947364   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7380 >>7392 >>7395 >>7400 >>7414 >>7576 >>7709


anon thinks Bannon was framed.

Methinks the fight with DJT is KaFaBe

That being said it' s rumored he took money from Epstein.

But no clarification on exactly why?

Or even if it's true.

But isn't it true, Epstein took money and control from people he blackmailed; why would he give money to Bannon?

Bannon is much more noteworthy than other crap that gets "Notabled"

such as:

AP wire news

Fox News

Insider baseball on all the Propaganda around the "competition" for Trump - which is zilch.

the notables here play into mainstream Propagandaconstantly

Bannon should be judged on content rather than character.

his content, while never 100% (always use youre own judgment, frens)

is ALWAYS a cut above the other's crap from the mainstream.

people put stuff about AOC in Notables.

why not spam about that?


Bannon should stay in notables, if his analysis / news is worthy.

They target Bannon just as they target Trump and ourselves.


Bannon's got the benefit of the doubt, by me.

Not everything he says is good right?

Same could be said for Donald.

? It's called optics?


Kappy's Song

includes a bit about Bannon and "Alex"

Anonymous ID: cee301 Nov. 20, 2023, 5:50 a.m. No.19947443   🗄️.is 🔗kun


the only one in that list whom I like is Roger Stone

I'm not marrying or giving any of these people money, so calm down

Ur spamming

I didn't follow Bannon's case.

Leftist don't care that Biden is stealing

and I don't care if Bannon does either (though it's not been proven to me)

I believe he's being framed.

In any case he does a good job -worth a million dollars for sure - that nobody else does

none of them.

Anonymous ID: cee301 Nov. 20, 2023, 6:17 a.m. No.19947576   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7604 >>7727


obviously I don't believe or follow any of these people.

I do enjoy Roger Stone,

Stone and Bannon drive the right people insane.

Bannon ? can you imagine his legal fees;

I also like Lin Wood

he's his own lawyer, and a great one too

also targeted.



if you think Bannon sides with China you haven't watched his show lately?

I side with the Jews too, though against Zionist.

Just as I side with America and Trump but not for the US government

(the muhjews constant disgusting and tedious attacks here- to smear us - you know they never do actual q research, As phoney as "Qshaman"

just make me stronger for Jews, more committed to defend Jews.

I've been this way since kindergarter

I stand up when someone is picked-on.

Though I know many corrupt Jews use fake lines about the killing in ww2.

Think of the white people "crisis actors" It's not just one ethnicity who pull those crazy lies for attention.

Jews targeted deliberatey ever since the Romans killed King Yesuah



hoax, d'uh

Hinckley = patsy





doubt. because then you wouldn't be a hate-jew

nice try Fb1 ur getting better.

still losing though.

Why'd you cover for McNoName, if you're so holy?

Anonymous ID: cee301 Nov. 20, 2023, 7:08 a.m. No.19947747   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7752


They were actually "Gods" named for powerful rulars of the day

All relatives.

I'll have to dig up the notes.

They use the TRIDENT a lot

which is used as a teaching device (like a tracing board for the freeMasons) both in Eastern and Western Occultism

It was one large Empire, back in the day