>>19947801 lb
can't find it right meow.
>>19947801 lb
can't find it right meow.
>>19947801 lb
found the khaki's
will keep going.
stay the course.
They going down.
the tapes were kept back til after the upteened purjury of WRAYmond before Congress.
yay they got it done!
>>19947801 lb
Here they are "arresting" themselves, in khakhi-s.
too late, bozos, "cats out of the bag"
Why do they the FB 1 participate in targeting children?
Why didn't they stop the lethal injections from being passed out?
Why do they lock up alleged terrorists who in reality are peaceful petitioners?
And keep them and torture them?
Were they involved in torture vacations on Guantanamo
recently we had a whistleblower here who shared with us the fact (from adrews airforce airforce base) that when all the aircraft were allegedly grounded, that's when they took a mess of people to Cuba, off shore USA;
they used the aircraft who were grounded for that purpose, Stealth flights.
I remember in Bush's day they had "renderings" by aircraft.
Where were they picking up their targets.
They haven't stopped with their nonsense for 100 years?
remember how WRAY smirked in front of Congress.
They think their rampages are a "funny" joke?
Just like dancing nurses?
creepy as hell.
I think they work for european powers.
brits, french (founded by Napoleon) british zionist, German relatives of Adofl (Merkel)
check out the triangles and the 'eye' "behind the dancing nurses.
"Time has come today" 2012 their plan was locked-in?
look at the shit these people have done over the years;
yeah, they are laughing at us.
they put it right in our faces; won't work forever