Anyone can check to see if RUMBLE is shadow banning these videos?
Only the legal framework, a blueprint of a satanic grooming ring actively grooming in a public school, a sheriff who is involved and involved himself by issuing governors warrants for us citizen and orders to his 'fellows'
You know things that allegedly our tax dollars that are ripped away from us like our children to people who claim to protect against such things. ATF Scott Burris, CIA Janna Akins city attorney and school board member, MACK MASON and his plethora of gang symbols.
Appreciate it, only two years, gang stalking and harassment, poison and predators showed up, please check if rumble is censoring these videos and everyone else is just busy writing kids books and soliciting for defense funds for a system where whoever pays off the corrupt can get a corrupt judge for a corrupt ruling. Or election engineering but it doesn't fucking matter because the Satan child brides just do as they are told counting votes in a Republic/democracy fraud.
Thanks, don't call anyone to report the activity, action is only met with laughs, sneers, and governors warrants, like the scene in the last temptation of Christ. Fucking hilarious isnt it?
Welcome to the United Slaves States of America
Who cares
Satanic Grooming gang wearing uniforms, badges, and robes as their management of the American slave populace:
If you wanted to fuck a child or cannibalize an enemies material..who knew all you had to do was find the inner circle near the masonic temple, they wear all types of uniforms.
Post it again later, whY not, it's hilarious