>>19948487 lb
no wonder they are scared.
>>19948284 lb
that's false
symbolism is what gives them away.
not a reference to the people /Anons / autists and clairvoyants who expose it.
>>19948487 lb
no wonder they are scared.
>>19948284 lb
that's false
symbolism is what gives them away.
not a reference to the people /Anons / autists and clairvoyants who expose it.
Trump called himself Clairvoyant
same lame line, but and pasta
rascist bigot,
why don't you leave USA FB 1
no one wants you here.
This is what I figured.
FB 1 is like a set of falsies on a trnnies
Doesn't belong . Isn't organic
is useless.
anime art
FEDS must have a huge cache of that
That's where they recruit now; Anime convenstions.
Came out today or yesterday
Jew Haters; absolutely
obcessed with butt holes.
imitates a schitzo, a bit too well
pretends to be russian
cheating it's supervisor with the copy-pasta
works for Biden
wants to be "last man standing" like all psychos.
rascist bigot … so predictable FB i
shill unnumber us, but we still win.
check TIGER platform
lots of Kappy on the free speech platform
thank you Jim
happy birthday "biden"
no wonder fb 1 recruits from anme conventions
They are all into butt sex.
Goes back HooHoo ver and before.
You'd think they'd want to hide it?
they are absoulteldy fixated on butt sex.
Comey, Mueller, all the neo cons
fb 1 gonna fb 1
then claime it's "c 1 a"
what's the dif
they're joined at the hip.
or butthole.
ya think that WRAY lookalike STEELE
"steal, steel" rilly?
also is "into" butts.?
All those british fags are into it?
They all went to 'public' schools rather than be tutored at home (home school)
and that's where they learned butt sex and made up the word "faggot" for younger men at their school who they dominated (s & M) made to do menial chores and fucked.
Guess where CrOWLey came from?
He was -bi. Killed his daughter by neglect.
Wife committed suicide.
naw, Crowley wasn't gay at all
He just buggered his subs inside a magick circle in public rituals; and killed one of them by making him drink (what turned out to be tainted) cat blood (while in one of the "fcuk them in the butt" rituals)
on the island of Corfu.
Ran out of money too.
Went through his entire inheritence.
and was a spy for the Queen.
Whadya know. alleged double agent who did Propaganda via radio for none other than
(wonder if Adolf was a relative?)
Adolf was gay
Who else?
Hunter and Daddy
well we know that from photographs found on the laptop
So when fb 1 comes here. All they can write about is butt sex.
isn't Alex "aleister' Crowley just the perfect guy to be one's role model
Died a junkie.
stale copy pasta
been defeated many time
fruit loop
garbage in, garbage out
only cursed ingrates attack Jim
and twist his words
yes, MEDIAMATTERS created the "QANON" hysteria.
There's no such thing as "QANON"
where have you been?
The way he answered those questions was amazing.
He's a hero
That crap has been posted so many times it's sickening.
Is it Jim's birthday?