I never once claimed an image or image content was mine that I never created. I like holding up examples of excellent execution of art/skill I find.
Stupid cunts. Now it's my turn.
It's ether one or the other with these idiots now. Either they attack Anons and attack ruthlessly, or they spam MuhJoo. Basic, one track minds unable to focus on moar than one subject at a time due to spreading themselves across devices and personas.
See, anons? Those two IDs I tagged. They don't like it when you point out the failings of their tactics. Makes wonderful bait.
Symbology to be their downfall. It's so ironic and funny when they post their Nazi imagery though, right? It's symbology the entire world can rally against, not with. No one has sympathy for them.
And that's just one tentacle.
Who's crying? I pointed out a shill tactic and you're spamming me with memes about crying now. Pointing out the retardery of shills is not crying. But considering how the idiots use projection, I have to conclude that you're the one crying, so carry on then, dipshit.
It was the Freudian (deliberate?) slip of Crackhead/pothead at one a month or so ago and saying it again at the most recent one. There is no difference between the two to him I don't think. My opinion would be ignorance on the topic that is rooted in personal bias, but that's not my place to say. I will though, because I kinda sorta think I have to, don't I? Can't always get what we want, can we? Sometimes we have to let it all go…
If I have to burn myself out into an empty husk on this journey, that is something I am willing to do. Now turn up the volume and put some brownsound in your ears.
It's been a real trial these past few weeks, Pig, not gonna lie. Think I got over the hump though. Yesterday was brutal away from the keyboard processing shit.
Wrong. If there's anything this place has taught me, and especially lately, it's that when you criticize the criticizers of Jews they are the ones that try to ruin you, not whom they "criticize" while displaying all the degenerate behavior they accuse others of.
I think I'll dangle this dog treat in front of their faces and make 'em salivate a bit.
Paid posters, posting their Jew hate for their paychecks. It's not organic. If it was then Hivemind would have thrived, but it shriveled and died and the morans came back here to whine about this place being the echo chamber.
Hiding behind a broken shield of allegation and bigotry. Desperate and stupid.
Even if I was Jewish, so what? It wouldn't change anything.
Ah, they're scared so they're just sliding with merchants. Too chicken shit to put their narrative on the line because they know Anons will tear it to shreds.
I don't like fighting though. I've shied away from competition and confrontation my whole life but everything in me is telling me I have to, here.
Nice straw man, bruh. Did you have to coordinate on Discord before you wrote that? I'll bet you did.
Oh, you posted the notable. You're a hero. You got a notable. It's all about the notables. Did you ever stop to think "You are the news now" didn't refer to this place being just another news channel for the IC agencies to control? I'll bet you didn't.
This post'll make the 29 30 31 increment run look nice in a previous post.
No, I'm saying I don't care. You're holding up a bunch of kids saying something as if that represents them all. I can do the same with all the pro-Palestine idiots chanting "Kill all kikes, gas the jews" and proudly painting swastikas on monuments.
A bit of this and a bit of that. Jack of all trades and master of none sort of thing.
Watch, they'll cycle next bread and start attacking Anons again. The mimic and VaticanTard will come back out after spamming their precious ethnic accusation/allegation spam.
You need to get better at your job, kid. Now go post some MuhJoo for your paycheck.