From G-Man weaponry, the goons who handled the person raised to believe as my dad, to the divorce after being invited to a Good Ole Boys party near Cedartown, Georgia only to picture him next to topless women so the vile person raised for me to believe as my mother could begin divorce at a young age only to remarry a disgusting slob of a mason, Henry Michael Saine who married the vile woman, the masons have been grooming this anon most of his life, the Marines appear to be the only some what honest part of my life.
Everything else, honestly, who cares.
Does the military care? You'd think so
Does Kashyip Patel care? Contacted him years ago
Does Project Veritas or James Okeefe care? Contacted them also
Does the Georgia sheriff's association care? Yup, contacted them
Does anyone care? Hard to care if no one else does.
Anyone got that meme about the rock standing on seven hills?
Seven hills, Rome, Georgia
The rock, the immovable object vs unstoppable force or the rock who didn't walk and just let them continue to rape children with immunity, count votes and send you off to war or jail. Welcome to America.
Posted all over social media, does anyone care? Only gang stalkers who seem to want to protect their status quo of pedophilia, cannibalism, and legal protection in the form of corruption.
Union County, Georgia, sheriff Mack Mason(MM dog whistle, satanic yard election sign dog whistle, campaign poster satanic star dog whistle,x6066 phone number dog whistle) will abuse constitutional authority vested to him, in his position as Sheriff and jail, harass, silence anyone who discovers the C_A/Mason joint public school pedophile ring where CHILD BRIDES are counting our votes. That is not democracy, that is not a Constitutional Republic. It is slavery with the illusion of choice via voting. Blairsville, Union County Georgia is a blueprint of corruption and subversion, usurpation and hub & spoke conspiracy. Absolute lawlessness parading around as honorable, utilizing the matrix to subjugate via a corrupt judicial system, espionage, and a network of like minded terrorists.
Is it a Baptist pedophile ring?
Is it a mormon pedophile ring?
Is it a Catholic pedophile ring?
Is it a Christian pedophile ring?
Is it a Jewish pedophile ring?
Is it a Hindu pedophile ring?
Is it a Muslim pedophile ring?
Is it a Hamas pedophile ring
Is it a Muslim brotherhood pedophile ring?
Is it CIA agent, Blairsville City attorney, school board member, Janna Akins pedophile ring?
Is it a mossad pedophile ring?
Is it a capitalist pedophile ring?
Is it a marxist pedophile ring?
is it a communist pedophile ring?
Is it a bolshevik pedophile ring?
Is it a jesuit pedophile ring?
Is it a luciferian pedophile ring?
Is it a satanic pedophile ring?
Is it a masonic pedophile ring?
Is it a order of the eastern star pedophile ring?
Is it a shriners pedophile ring?
Is it a scottish rite pedophile ring?