Anonymous ID: 4603bb July 1, 2018, 11:59 p.m. No.1996276   🗄️.is 🔗kun


good 80-20 rule. assume the MSM is full of shit and if all news agrees on something go with the opposite as a starting point. In my experience this is that starting point that gets normies. They know they are being lied to. They aren't stupid their just not autistic and want the truth prepackaged and delivered conveniently leaving out the most gruesome details.


Therfore: NK is already solved… If the media is afraid war might break out, what they mean is peace… as for this civil war, I haven't seen a small minority so loud since going to the movies where there was this black midget… 4-6% indeed, if that. Small organized paid mobs shaming and assaulting individuals… divide and conquer like 100,000 British controlling 1 billion people in India. ThanQ and God Bless America!