Anonymous ID: 6fc8b2 July 1, 2018, 10:48 p.m. No.1995795   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5815

if you REALLY want to subvert and possibly red pill a bunch of antifa/antifa sympathizers/etc, a bunch of creative, musician type anons should learn how to and write a bunch of red pill punk/crust music. there are actually a lot of punk and crust songs that work very well for this when you look at the lyrics from our points of view. think mirror. punk is most definitely a psyop, or at least became one when the clowns realized they could turn a bunch of people into useful idiots by giving them an imaginary enemy to fight against. punk and crust music is extremely easy to write, and right now would be a perfect time to hijack that movement. punk's been dead for quite a while now, as most of the guys in popular bands are in their late 30s, 40s & even 50s. they think "omfg hitler cheeto is president now, we have to make punk a threat again"


they will never suspect this. i'd bet money on there being punk bands that were shills on some clown payrolls. fat mike from nofx got payrolled by $0r0$ back when bush was seeking re-election. that'd be an interesting thing to dig on.