Anonymous ID: a5a549 July 1, 2018, 10:23 p.m. No.1995556   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5563 >>5591 >>5604 >>5618 >>5633 >>5644


Can you please take care of this fucking shithead

They are now being intentionally disruptive, they know it makes the anons angry and so they continue to do it, cause its the only thing that gains muh feelz responses from anons.

They have done nothing to contribute to digging since you removed them from being BV, all it has been for the past three days from this fuckhead is muh feelz, muh ego, muh namefagging, muh egofagging despite anons telling him to lose the name.

Its fucking atrocious fhis type of behavior from this former BV is allowed, especially when this is not a game and according to some anons he cost us an operator.

Again, AntiFungal has not contributed to digging since you booted him, at all, please do something, because all he is doing now is being intentionally disruptive with the namefagging cause he knows its the only thing that gets a rise out of anons.

please make this stop, once and for all.

Anonymous ID: a5a549 July 1, 2018, 11:43 p.m. No.1996184   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6195 >>6199

Illegal Immigrant arrested for starting wildfires in Colorado that burned through 38 thousand acres in total.