Anonymous ID: d1f050 July 1, 2018, 10:54 p.m. No.1995850   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5858


You just need to keep the pressure on the universe. Kek

It works. Be good, do good and God and Karma/universe will give you what you want…

It happens all the time without people paying attention.its even more fun when you do pay attention.

People do it without even realizing. Prayers in churches or individually/ vision boards/ dreaming of a better life/ envisioning/ the secret/ prayer chains and on and on… It matters not what you call it. It is what it is

Anonymous ID: d1f050 July 1, 2018, 11:07 p.m. No.1995949   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6227


Yes. It really is true…

Try it out.. start small..

As for the evil, just think about it. For so long , they has a stronghold of billions of people. MSM, Hollywood, music..they fed us their wants and needs, and we just repeated and watched and listened. We sang their songs, and and quoted their movies. We followed the politicians and tattooed their symbols on our bodies ( without even realizing what we were doing). We purchased their shit and followed their way in the name of "art" and being cool….. And now…it's all falling apart for them… While they're falling apart, we are gaining speed. We are waking up. Hollywood is dead. Music is dead, MSM is dead. They will lose. It's over for them