Anonymous ID: d84d3f July 1, 2018, 11:06 p.m. No.1995946   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5958 >>5974 >>6058

The Top of the Pyramid - The Babylonian Cartel

Freemasons < Jesuits < Illuminati < Jews






Freemasonry is a continuation of the ancient BABYLONIAN MYSTERY RELIGION which worships Lucifer (they call him GAOTU - "Great Architect Of The Universe" to deceive and make it compatible with their base's existing monotheistic beliefs).

> (see mystery babylon series - this is TOP INTEL)


The biblical pharisees while living in captivity in babylon ALSO adopted this religion, and they wrote the mysteries down in their series of books called TALMUD. Today they call themselves (((jews))), and the bible calls them the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN.


If one digs into masonic lecture such as the famous books of Albert Pike (Morals and Dogma) and Manly P. Hall (Secret Teachings of All Ages), the hebrew/caballic/talmudic influence is striking. The same can be said about the books of Aleister Crowley which deal with occult magick.


Jews and Freemasons view outsiders as worthless animals (goyim/profanes) and their only loyalty is to members of their own group. They are the real racists.



(((Masons))) take an oath to swear allegiance and loyalty ONLY to their kind and higher ups. Most of them have no clue what this really is about and are deceived into believing that they're joining a charitable organisation with obvious benefits such as fellow police officers and judges giving them a free ride.


Only the top of the pyramid is initated into the true purpose and the satanic babylonian mysteries.


According to the "Protocols of the Elders of (((Zion)))", freemasonry has been successfully infiltrated by the zionistic elite and is now a tool in their hands.

> (contains the protocols)


And indeed there's evidence suggesting that the British (((Royals))) who are on top of international freemasonry are in fact crypto-jews (they practice circumcision of their newborn done by a rabbi); and the founders of the Order of (((Jesuits))) who successfully infiltrated the catholic church (Pope Francis = jesuit) were crypto-jews too, as can be judged by them giving the secret hand sign of the marrano on their portraits:



The (((saudis))) are probably crypto-jews too (Dönmeh).




The jews hate the christians just like the pharisees hated Jesus Christ and openly admit their hostility.

To subvert christianity, the "Scofield Bible" was produced, featuring numerous comments that promote pro-jewish sentiments. Corrupt priests successfully spread propaganda about a non-existing judeo-christian culture, which resulted in christianity accepting the jews as the "chosen people", even though they are in reality the offspring of cain.


They have been expelled&prosecuted during all ages due to their subversive activities and child sacrifice practices.




Bill Cooper about DOPE, INC (Anti Defamation League), B'naih Brith, Bronfman+the jewish Mafia

BURIED BY MAINSTREAM MEDIA - The True Story of Madeleine McCANN (relates to Podestas)

WHERE DID THE TOWERS GO ? Dr. JUDY WOODS presents evidence you've never seen before on 9/11 (did you know there was a HURRICANE near the coast of N.Y. on 9/11? hurricane (static field) + microwaves = hutchison effect)

MAKING OF the 9/11 PLANE HOAX - , (the other parts of the series are a PSYOP to discredit Dr. Judy Wood's evidence)

HEAVY WATER GATE - how the DOE covered up a 1989 free energy invention - (the same guy Steven E. Jones was also involved in 9/11 disinfo psyops)

The CURE FOR CANCER - The Story of Vitamin B17 -

Neil Sanders on MIND CONTROL -



The ALDEBARAN PROJECT - Very interesting hypothesis about the BLACK KNIGHT satellite

Alien PSYOP agent (Useful Idiot) Linda Moulton Howe talks about interesting symbolic Alien Programming Language/Drones


big thanks to the TRUTH CHAMPIONS Bill Cooper, Ronald Bernard, Fritz Springmeier, Lloyd Pye, Richard D. Hall, Andrew Johnson, Dr. Judy Woods, Timothy Alberino, Steve Quayle, Kevin Shipp