Anonymous ID: e24d17 July 1, 2018, 11:08 p.m. No.1995954   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6057 >>6069

music biz drop out here. some cheap effective ways to promote Q:

magic markers



just the letter or a web address

for hand to hand combat with vip redpill events

people will eat the banana and keep the coconuts lol

but they both get results.


home made tee shirts with a cross word puzzle on them;

sharpie hanging from the shirt.

let folks do the crossword on your back.

make it easy and all Q drop related.

great for neighborhood gatherings or places where you will know most everybody.

we use a clipboard with paper versions of many crosswords and pencils; they can test out their answers that way. (cheat sheet bottom of board; right answer gets to use the marker on your back.)


for a rental birthday gift: not a singing telegram but a Q dude or dudette

put somebody in leotards and cover them in blown up balloons with confetti and small snippets of Q drops that look like fortune cookies stuffed in the balloons. write Q in black marker on all of the balloons.

have a giant card with a Q cover, an inner verse of prose explaining the great awakening, and a big safety pin taped to the inside of the card.

the recipient pops the balloons off the Q dude or dudette and gathers the fortune messages, that rearranged, are a Q drop.


use your cell fone to do man on the street interviews.

have a poster board with your mission statement, a flag as a backdrop, and find a storefront that is willing to let you hang out a couple of hours.

have a clip board of signed releases (internet has templates) that folks will sign and you ask a few leading questions.

compile the clips into episodes and either start a small channel with the info or begin a long range edit.

get the original folks you redpilled to come back for more in-depth interviews. keep compiling the info and see if you can get documentary length stuff. a lot of it will be funny! it will get the message across with humility and humor.

get a few sponsors, make the documentary, and put copies in all the libraries around you, as well as on the net.

make sure and include prison libraries. huge amount of redpilling that would be very beneficial there.


just a few ideas on the cheap.

Anonymous ID: e24d17 July 1, 2018, 11:15 p.m. No.1996016   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6030 >>6075 >>6104 >>6108

lotta musicians out there that with the right nudge would be a whole new genre of music and this is something we were looking forward to. singer songwriters have the ability to carry forward the tradition of oral history. i have been encouraging my musical friends to document our travels at this time with their words and music.

the music business has changed dramatically and the new revelations will only benefit the real talents that have been stuffed in a sock drawer because they refused to play the game.

the chans might think about hosting a songwriter competition for a theme song or something like that to get the musical autists on board and they can carry the message into the wilderness of live events.

Anonymous ID: e24d17 July 1, 2018, 11:25 p.m. No.1996078   🗄️.is 🔗kun


those are all promotions we used. haha. dole bananas was a sponsor along with a fruit wholesaler for the coconuts. lotta fun. haha love the reacts.

Anonymous ID: e24d17 July 1, 2018, 11:32 p.m. No.1996119   🗄️.is 🔗kun


yeah they have already threatened to do that under the 'human rights' banner and we quit the UN human rights commission a week or so ago so imo that was already on their radar. we were being hassled by UNHRC re our stance on our borders by reps of countries with horrific human rights issues. (well there was other stuff too.)

gonna be a moot point i hope if we can extricate ourselves from the UN and remove them from the US. imo that is the cabal backup plan ie blue helmets.

Anonymous ID: e24d17 July 1, 2018, 11:50 p.m. No.1996227   🗄️.is 🔗kun



lotta great singer songwriters out there to carry on the very important tradition of oral history. most of them work outside the confines of the 'music industry.' they are 'indies.'

new paradigm.