are they going to kill him now. That is the punishment according to their rules.
catholics are just brainwashed pagans. There may be good people in the church but the church itself and all its beliefs are total horse shit.
call no man father. They have an entire practice revolving around that.
well you can go fuck yourself along with that faggot jesus.
how does reading something created by the corrupt institutions get people closer to Jesus or God considering it was all edited based on previous stories. How does reading a made up book get people to know jesus?
please kill yourself.
and praying to Jesus is not?
I did I talked to Jesus he said the book about him was a lie and that his dad did not murder babies.
It also uses the word bigot a bunch.
bullshit all total bullshit. There may be a person called Jesus but that does not mean the books about him are true or not edited. The bible is bullshit not my problem you are a delusional idiot that believes what the deep state tells you.
why should anon care if another anon is crying like a bitch about their fairy tales. This needs to be talked about because for all the talk about muh biblical, turns out the biblical is a lie created by the very people anons are fighting. Religion is the greatest evil man ever created.
there in your own statement you show what a fucking stupid fuck you are. Masons. First off Masons do pray to god but the problem like all religious people face is who and what is it that they are praying to. I do not think I ever said God does not exist only that the conception of god is wrong. Everyone gets it wrong but yet, here we are having religious wars all over who is more right.
why are you so fucking stupid.
look at all that gaslighting. Assuming so much just because I am willing to call out your bullshit. So many assumptions that anons do not study. Anons seem to be the ones at the front of studying shit. SO kindly neck yourself and die you stupid shit fuck
the people are not the problem its is the beliefs those people have that is the issue.
no. Kill yourself.
thank god for free speech.
history is just another lie. A fascinating one that I hope people get to discover because something happened about 250 years ago about. The mud stuff globally is just strange. All at the same period also.
which is part of the reason to have any certainty about the religions of the world is also stupid. They lied about everything, what makes one more or less special. There is a better chance of everyone being totally wrong about all of this than one group being the ultimate authority of what is factual.
Mind Unveiled is a channel other anons have posted this video talks about the vanilla sky idea and early photo manipulation techniques. Interesting just to see what was able to be done with out photoshop.
who does not control hollywood?
then it can not be truth. what do they say about a house divided? If even the most simple thing that even supposedly children can understand can be misunderstood by so many. Does not seem that it is simple or honest.
whatever. Fuck yourself.