OG Swamp Drainer
>China did
perhaps they have no Israeli-comped pedos (or cannibals, or ritual practitioners).
How does China deal with pedophiles? Anon doesn't recall ever seeing/hearing of any, nor any Chinese-American ones.
why do you support wetware merging with technology and ultimately, AI?
got it. anon is not talking about the story tho, simply pointing out that ALL prophets are false, thus to say it together (false-prophet) is redundant. Like dumb-ass. Kek!
and then you went on to shill for the deep state for the 9/11 Official Story.
While remaining silent on your perspective obtained from a 50+ year career in an industry rife with pedophilia, extortion, blackmail, ritual practice, and Satanism.
A Klaus Schwab arrest for crimes against humanity would be THE arrest IMHO.
The rest would fall quickly.
Cat carry toxoplasmosis gondii, transmissible to humansโฆ
100%, not 60/40, or we will forever dig it to completion ourselves
anon still has issue w/'justice'โฆ
"how does the following get reconciled?
With CGI, stagecraft makeup, cloning, and humandroid capabilities, all being served up through the filter of media, 'justice' will not ever be believable if attained.
Who/what is actually getting arrested, incarcerated, or executed?""
yes, not a trumpsucker.
if the US govt (DARPA) contracts a technology built to spec by Pfizer & Moderna, to be pushed by the US Govt (CDC & White House), on US Govt licensed media broadcast/broadband (FCC), why would the same US Govt (FDA) enquire about its 'safety' when they already know its purpose and contents?
>Swift trial, no mercy!
if only the courts and JAG/mil courts weren't a part of the very same government perpetrating these acts. Remains to be seen.
Shit like this is why anon has ALWAYS though terrorism, as we are fed it via medea, was fugazi.
IOW, how hard would it be for 'real terrorists' to take down a city/state/nation, with coordinated suicide or preplanted explosives? Taxis, buses, subways, major intersections, etc, at rush hour, black friday, etcโฆ with 5, 10, 100 simultaneous device activations would cripple any city, overwhelm EMS and 911, gridlock the larger vicinity, incite nationwide panic, etcโฆ
But suicide bombers and OKC-like bombers and 'terrorist masterminds' can't think of this on their own? uh huh.
you are perhaps unfamiliar with rhetorical questions? no answer required.
tl;dr- the entire gov't is in on [it], and you/we are simultaneously their slaves, guinea pigs, and targets
get over fear. you will die. all will die.
you exist as an owned asset on a global human livestock planation. where we are farmed, tested, fleeced, harvested, and exterminated.
perhaps we will disslove enough of the illusions that this is not reality in enough people to end it going forward.
Not a game. no emotion required to digest facts either. Expectations are heavy bags. Consider packing light.
they can't buy me & not interested anyway. anon is a volunteer for dispelling deceptions, not assisting in them
no greater a spell, save for language itself, than religion and belief in binding the mind. Self-imposed, limitations or limitlessness.
> some people just refuse to let go
all walk alone, together.
belief is tied to making oneself a lesser in mind, accepting that another knows better for you, about you, etcโฆ this is true for a child, or a 'domestic', or a retard. some choose never to grow up. see sportsball fans, gamers, people who dress, behave, and consume the same as they did as children, etc.
for many anons, semper progrediens is fitting.
for normies, a more stunted 'growth' is the standard. by enforced design.
>humanity isn't worth saving.
for the butterfly to BE, all caterpillars must 'die'.
humanity is a phase, not a permanent condition.