Anonymous ID: 2c2208 Nov. 22, 2023, 12:04 p.m. No.19959995   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Kek. That's one of the best memes from memefag. He said he completely quit smoking the pots. And yeah, he also said multiple times he is leaving or stopping living soon. Maybe he's not actually a shill and just absolutely batshit fucking crazy and out of his mind and the BVs just delete my posts because it's like protecting you're incredibly retarded little cousin Joey. Everyone has a retarded cousin named Joey. Pee pee is /ourJoey/

God bless

Anonymous ID: 2c2208 Nov. 22, 2023, 12:25 p.m. No.19960091   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0098 >>0103 >>0172 >>0269 >>0278 >>0288


I'm sorry you feel that way my fren. As a newfag I understand that you don't understand the ways of the oldfag. I understand that you don't see this as a training grounds, but rather your own personal blog which it is not. You continued to choose the path of resistance and war, I was simply happy to oblige to my oldfag duties. You continued to go against the unspoken code of Anon, you continued to pay the price. It was all an equal and opposite reaction of cause and affect directly from your own personal choices. You always had the option to filter, but you didn't. You chose to engage in equal negativity. You could have ignored it all, but you didn't. You wanted a battle. You got it. We are only here now because of your choices and nothing more. Yes, it was all for your own good. Learn about the different levels of the students of Rumi. A teacher would slap an apprentice, a first level student would slap the teacher back. A fourth level student would embrace their slap with love, forgive it, and carry on with enlightenment. No matter how you try to spin it, it's all because of your choices. Even Gollum played a key role in the movie, no one person is above another. Where we go one we go all faggot, You, Me, the faggot BVs, the shills, the clowns and the few real Anons here.

God bless.