Thank You, Baker!
Thank You, Anons!
THEY Want war. Let us not give them a single inch.
Needs More Baguette ;)
Only You know, Anon!
Perhaps there is a Baker within You, too? ;)
Almond bread sounds tasty, Lovely Faggot~
Almond Flour, Ripe Banana, Some vanilla, Some Oats, Some Chocolate, Some honey.. Delicious Banana Bread.
All The Outs In Free?
Crystal Clear
Yeah, not a bad idea! I wonder if it has ever been done before? ;)))
Not the baker, but I am sure if baker is watching baker knows that the thanks was intended for baker :)
Blessed Be the Bakers!
What is personal glory in the light of universal understanding and harmony?
This is why Anonymity is so important. It removes the layer of "I did this" and turns it into "We did this"
What is the Bread without the Bakers?
What is the Bread without the filling posts?
What is the Bread without the Q crumbs?
What is the Bread without an Infinity-Oven to be baked within?
What is the Bread without those ever-watchful eyes which spot the mold, travel in time to correct previous mistakes?
We Move Forward, UNITED.
Where We Go ONE, We Go ALL!
>Careful. I will post foods that are bread focused. I got sweet filling, meaty filling, vegetarian nummiesโฆ whatever you like.
Sounds Delicious, Anon
>You don't make bread from crumbs
"but also to the supposed practice of the pastry baker collecting crumbs from yesterday's cookies for filling"
These are also Delicious
You are Questioning, Thinking! This is Great!
Learning accelerating, so close now. More Purple by the hour. Wonderful!
Like rings upon water
Love You, Anon!
>Our Mission is to Exterminate Them
>To Wipe Them Off The Face Of The Earth
Do NOT let history repeat itself again!
LoveCreation, Anon. Not HateDestruction
Forward, Not Back
Do unto Others what You would have Them do to You
REMEMBER this, if You so choose. It has to be by choice.
By removing past records you are Removing the Future ability to Look at the Past and LEARN from it!
Darkness to Light. Be the Alchemist! BE THE CHANGE YOU SEEK
Hey, All! GraveyardShift/Lowkey here
Since BO posted his email, I figure I might as well do so as well.
Really, though? I prefer the boards KEK
You can reach me at
Love Y'all, Anons! You're wonderful the lot of You!
You too, detractors! Thank you for the lessons we've shared!
Beer at the Parade? :)
Edit - Forgot to sign. DERP :D
Edit 2 - What, the hash didn't work? What the.. ._.'' please hold, kek
Edit 3 - Welp, that's strange. But stranger things have happened on this board so what the heck :p I'll see if editing doesn't work for the tag..
Meme made me think of this song for some reason. The sand motif, I think?
Infinity awaits for those who seek it, and those who do not.
Can't wait for everyone to come Home.
Then again, I've always been a bit impatient. Led me wrong a couple of times. Meh, what's a key to do, right? :)