The Omniwar. War at every level of being, War using every component of life against us as weapons, nearly everything we touch and are exposed to that we didn't make ourselves is a weapon being used against us, to exterminate us, water, food, 'medicine,' toothpaste, shampoo, microwaves, media…
All Warfare is Psychological Warfare
Rattling your enemy's cage, getting them to make mistakes is way better than meeting a full-up enemy. It takes far less resources to defeat them, less good guys get killed.
a. If I can trigger an opponent into getting frightened, angry or frustrated in a dogfight, I kill him in 3 moves.
It is my prayer you will hold this in the forefront of your mind when you engage our enemy in any forum. He or she who laughs and laughs last: gets to keep her home, her children and her life.
If your team doesn't think they can win, they can't.
If your enemy thinks they've lost, they have.
We use language to demoralize and dehumanize our enemy, without resorting to vulgarity, to avoid becoming them.
Humor is one of our deadliest weapons. They rule by fear, and operate from self-loathing. The worst things you can think of to call them, they agree with you, and double-down thinking even worse things about themselves.
Mocking then in front of their minions however, flips. them. out. See 1a. above.
People not standing-up to screeching, tantruming liberals is how we nearly lost our nation. I use language to purposefully dehumanize them, so that our team sees them for what they are and stops capitulating to them.
We use bloodthirsty language not because we thirst for blood, we use it because we thirst for the end of the bloodshed as quickly and efficiently as possible.
We use bloodthirsty language because they are craven, cowards to a degree you cannot fathom. See 1a. above.
The only moral objective of warfare is to destroy your opponent's will and ability to fight, as swiftly and efficiently as possible.
Anything less is sick, sadomasochism.
We absolutely sentence pedovore criminal freaks to death, in the court of public opinion.
When they lose The People's' Consent, they have lost utterly.
This is war. People die. Our species, our planet is dying at the hands of these genocidal, suicidal freaks. It's our job to make sure that from now on, the freaks are the ones doing the all the dying.
We are not here to fight, we're here to win
Our Mission is to Exterminate Them
To Wipe Them Off The Face Of The Earth
Cause, Effect, Record and Memory, Ending their Relevance and Influence, Forever
With minimum casualties and expenditure of resources, Amen.