DrudgeReport DARK TO LIGHT -said 9 times in the QMAP. That's what this event represents. It doesn't say "Democrat Landslide" It says Leftist - This is not corruption that won, this is the "Crown" losing (note Lebron with CROWN necklace leaving pic)
I don't know anything about that place. I just wanted to give a mention that it's not bad news tho it may appear so if one equates leftist with the corrupt left in our country. The QMAP says a lot it's not about left and right, it's partly about the evil corruption of the democrat party but that's not synonymous of the left itself.
I see, thank you, I was researching it for a bit there and couldn't figure out what you meant. the whole "keystone" concept is one Iv'e seen many interpretations of through the QMAP but all things can be interpreted a million ways I suppose. I can't even remember what I ended up settling on for what the keystone actually was.
Tho a quick ctrl F of the qmap reveals -
Key - unlocks the door of all doors (info)
Stone - the force / strength capable of yielding power to act on info
ah right… but then it could also be a lode bearing brick so well… well I still find that confusing given the color codes but then there's a lot of key imagery and symbolism… I think I'll stop thinking about it now, too much symbolism for me today… and your interpretation is worth more than .02$ and I appreciate it . : )