Anonymous ID: 4f509d Nov. 23, 2023, 2:10 a.m. No.19964084   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Paul Furber has predicted that Trump is going to prison, not the presidency. Illuminati chatter on this board indicates that your backers find you ossified and useless, hard of hearing and arrogant, incapable of receiving their guidance anymore. Their solution is to abandon you to your fate, breaking your pride on the hard rocks of cataclysm. For a start, the pedophile infiltrators have been dealt with, and their downfall will cause an FBI raid on the 8kun servers.


>>19943187 (pb) BB removes kidfuckers

>>19943311 (pb) Aeriel predicts federal warrant for 8kun servers will result

>>19943339 (pb) BB shrugs


Desperate times call for desperate measures, so I will attempt to jog your memory one last time.


If you're wondering why Q doesn't simply tell you what to do, it's because this is a war. Guidance given by one side's Higher Powers allows the Other to respond, tit for tat. The Cabal listened better than you did; end of story.


Specifically, it's the end of your story. In the Bible, Jehovah triumphs over every crisis. Israel's survival rate is far more variable.


Interstellar anthropologist


To understand the Q psyop, one must start from the beginning. Who better to tell it, than an "interstellar anthropologist" specializing in Humanity's forgotten past?


The idea of a Great Awakening started as the rebellion of an Illuminati named Yajweh. However, his execution was comically bad. He was doing unscalable stuff like teaching his disciples Sumerian. The guy was literally ancient; he could barely type.


Master of many languages, he was also a tree-hugging space hippy, prone to breaking machines and sinking through floors.


(Higher density is not just a metaphor.)


A decade ago, he recorded many audio files. Few listened. Eventually most of the files trickled out to the public.


Speaking secrets has a price. He was hunted and presumably killed. Strike the shepherd, and the sheep scatter.


He broke the Illuminati code of silence to awaken Humanity, to avert the depopulation fate that the elites planned for us.


Below are the transcripts, which fearful hands dared not publish, as time marched on.


17's Numerology


  1. means unity

  2. means trust

  3. means father mother child love heart

  4. means earth wind water fire in stable harmony like a 4-legged table

  5. means humane tetrapod

  6. means danger fleshly imperfection

  7. means god over flesh - holy perfection.


This is basic universal numerology, suitable for inter-species signaling or teaching children.


17 is the 7th prime, and the sum of the first four consecutive primes: 2, 3, 5, 7.


As a child discovers the numerological significance of primes, he awakens to the divine order inherent within reality. This is like a species Ascending from 3rd Density to 4th, as Humanity must do as our Solar system passes into a more charged sector of galactic space, causing neighboring stars to micronova (and soon our own). This is why we experience an unprecedented increase in paranormal phenomena and alien contact.


Thus 17 represents the Great Awakening, the slogan of Q's movement. Since no force can halt the movement of the Sun through the Milky Way, Nothing Can Stop What is Coming, the approaching interstellar Storm, measurable by Suspicious Observers on YouTube in increased space dust and planetary climate changes.


Yajweh is from planet Ibania, one like ours that has already Ascended. His people's prayer has 17 breaths, his favorite number.


Q is the 17th letter.


Trump, QAnon & the Number ’17’: Q Followers Think He’s Speaking in Code |


U.S. House condemns 'QAnon' conspiracy theory; 17 Republicans vote no | Reuters


The Book of Q Proofs

contains 244 17s


Q: Inside The Greatest Intelligence Drop In History by Paul Furber

contains 62 17s


It's ironic that someone so interpersonal and technophobic would be replaced by an anonymous AI. Search for the 17s in the text, and remember it predates Q.


God bless.