Anonymous ID: a1a6c6 Nov. 23, 2023, 2:25 a.m. No.19964167   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4174 >>4176



Sandy Hoax sent me over the rails

I can't imagine what it would have done to normies to know the truth of that.

Once I realized the depth of the deception, I found myself questioning the foundation of real tea. Pretty sure most people would slip a benny and find themselves drooling on the lanoleum in the morning.

Anonymous ID: a1a6c6 Nov. 23, 2023, 2:35 a.m. No.19964209   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>Why do you say that?

Jesus was the son of Harod Antipas and Mary of Aramathea. She's not bloodline lineage, so Antipas had to order all boys 2 and under killed. He was sent to Egypt to escape death and when he returned to claim the throne, he was hanged. a lot of other shit happened in between, but that's the jist of it. He was a good dude, but he was (one of us).


The worst part of the Jesus LARP is they convinced the Jews that they were calling for his execution by somehow getting them to believe they weren't screaming "FREE THE SON OF GOD!" no, they were screaming "FREE BARABAS!" which BAR means "Son" in Hebrew while ABBAS means "Father."


It's fucking plain as day once you get their bullshit. They waited 400 years to re-write that story. Jesus almost took down the cabal 2000 years ago. If he had been given his rightful throne on Judea, shit would have never been the same.

Anonymous ID: a1a6c6 Nov. 23, 2023, 2:48 a.m. No.19964261   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4267 >>4270


>nd Azรขzรชl taught men to make swords, and knives, and shields

Don't you ever consider how awesome it is that we have adversity here in this realm? What the absolute fuck would we do without the adversary?

This place would absolutely fucking suck shit through a straw.

Seriously! Do you really just want to eat, shit and sleep without any challenge? Fuck that, give me some Lucifer. He makes for an interesting time.