Anonymous ID: cc7cbd Nov. 23, 2023, 12:02 a.m. No.19963840   🗄️.is 🔗kun


William Davis, M.D.: The WORST grains for your GUT


a severe excess of small LDL particles coupled with insulin resistance and inflammation.

And so the only thing that causes small LDL particles, this science came out of UC Berkeley Hopkins, not my science,otherpeople's science.

They showed that the only foods that did that were grains and sugars.


So I had my patients all these people, I said let's try this.

Particle count per volume.

Let's try it.

Remove ALL wheat, grain and sugar.


They come back.

And the small DLL would be zero or some other very low number.

In other words, it wasn't just a improvement. It was eradication.


But this is when I learned from people would say to me,you didn't tell me that I'd have to stop my insulin and Metformin.

Cause my blood sugar dropped so much. I'm no longer a type two diabetes.You didn't tell me I would drop 57 pounds and I would lose eight inches off my waist.

You didn't tell me that my Ulcerative Colitis or rheumatoid arthritis got so much better. I'd have to stop the prednisone and the anti-inflammatory drugs, the biologic injections.

So I did this Jason, just for small LDL particles in people with high Kartra calcium scores.


And I stumbled into this thing, but it took me a while to accept this because when you think about it,

I tell people to remove the foods that virtually all physicians, all dietary guidelines, all dieticians, all tell people should be the cornerstone of diet.

We take it out and we see like, Health and weight transformed.So, you know, it took me a good year. I was thinking whether I was the asshole and I had I was expecting, oh, of course I'm wrong.

Anonymous ID: cc7cbd Nov. 23, 2023, 12:02 a.m. No.19963842   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3852


William Davis, M.D.: The WORST grains for your GUT


a severe excess of small LDL particles coupled with insulin resistance and inflammation.

And so the only thing that causes small LDL particles, this science came out of UC Berkeley Hopkins, not my science,otherpeople's science.

They showed that the only foods that did that were grains and sugars.


So I had my patients all these people, I said let's try this.

Particle count per volume.

Let's try it.

Remove ALL wheat, grain and sugar.


They come back.

And the small DLL would be zero or some other very low number.

In other words, it wasn't just a improvement. It was eradication.


But this is when I learned from people would say to me,you didn't tell me that I'd have to stop my insulin and Metformin.

Cause my blood sugar dropped so much. I'm no longer a type two diabetes.You didn't tell me I would drop 57 pounds and I would lose eight inches off my waist.

You didn't tell me that my Ulcerative Colitis or rheumatoid arthritis got so much better. I'd have to stop the prednisone and the anti-inflammatory drugs, the biologic injections.

So I did this Jason, just for small LDL particles in people with high Kartra calcium scores.


And I stumbled into this thing, but it took me a while to accept this because when you think about it,

I tell people to remove the foods that virtually all physicians, all dietary guidelines, all dieticians, all tell people should be the cornerstone of diet.

We take it out and we see like, Health and weight transformed.So, you know, it took me a good year. I was thinking whether I was the asshole and I had I was expecting, oh, of course I'm wrong.

Anonymous ID: cc7cbd Nov. 23, 2023, 12:45 a.m. No.19963873   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3881


>there is no possible way for you to know that

Anyone who learnt to program knows that a computer simply follows the commands given.


It can't think. It has no feelings.

It does what it is told to do.


And when you tell it to pretend to be able to speak and pretend it has "opinions", you get exactly that. It's all fayk.

Video related.

Anonymous ID: cc7cbd Nov. 23, 2023, 12:55 a.m. No.19963896   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3901


>humans are computer programs

nice try, technocrat


>prove it

Impossible on the internet

also not the point of it anyways.

Computers have no feels, they are machines.

You are like someone saying this mechanical calculator could have emotions, you don't know.


No, the mechanical calculator has no feelings, it's not alive. It does what it is built for.


If you would do this in regards of trees, that would be worth a discussion, and no one really knows. But a computer is simply a man made machine. A stove also doesn't have feelings.

Anonymous ID: cc7cbd Nov. 23, 2023, 1:08 a.m. No.19963914   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3918


>fruits of logic

I know how a computer processes opcodes.

I therefore know that it has no feelings, but follows instructions, and that is all.

It's like a more complicated mechanical calculator.


You want to tell me that a mechanical scale has feelings too?

Or do digital scales have feelings, lol?



Which is your God, technocRAT?

Anonymous ID: cc7cbd Nov. 23, 2023, 1:16 a.m. No.19963922   🗄️.is 🔗kun


you are full of shit.


A computer follows instructions.

Just because you add a speech model to it, doesn't make it alive and also doesn't make it "think". It can't think. It does what it is told to do.


In fact you speaking about "God" makes your whole spiel hilarious, because what you are implying is that man would be God, for creating "computers" that would be - in your mind - like beings that are actually alive.


Man is incapable of doing that.

You are a technocrat, with a fucked up world view.

Anonymous ID: cc7cbd Nov. 23, 2023, 1:26 a.m. No.19963941   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3948



Thanks for confirming that you are a fucked up technocrat. I consider you evil.


Men can create things out of nothing, starting from a thought and bringing it into reality.


A machine can't do that.

Your "AI" doesn't create things out of nothing, but its programming mixes existing shit together, that's why your "AI" requires tons of HUMAN MADE content to use and abuse.


Your "AI" also doesn't have a consciousness either.

A human does, any animal also does.


And now pull the

>but humans also mix existing shit together and don't create anything truly original

>hurr durr programming

card, which of course makes zero sense, when you actually think about it.

Anonymous ID: cc7cbd Nov. 23, 2023, 1:33 a.m. No.19963951   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3955


I consider technocrats evil.

Maybe look up what your buddies have done over the years, with the same fucked up mindset of yours, considering people to be "programmed meat".


>chatbots are not real AI

You don't say, lmao.


You were the one claiming that CPUs may have feelings, which is hilarious. And now you admit that "chatbots" (programming) isn't "real AI".

You really don't say.


>but if I program really hard, it may become sentient


Anonymous ID: cc7cbd Nov. 23, 2023, 1:42 a.m. No.19963974   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3999


Your claim was that CPUs would/could have feelings, and that no one would know for sure, and I told you no, they don't.


And now you take that response based on facts, and try to turn it into something that was never said, which shows that you are a liar.


You even try the

>but but maybe at some later date, maybe maybe totally different computers ey?

while you spoke about computers, not fictional tech that you made up in your mind.

Anonymous ID: cc7cbd Nov. 23, 2023, 1:54 a.m. No.19964010   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4032


>I was talking about future tech despite not mentioning that and speaking in current tense

>but maybe I will create something using brains of children, or maybe insects

>it doesn't matter, all of these are just programmed meat anyway

>you can't know that hurr durr


Anonymous ID: cc7cbd Nov. 23, 2023, 2:06 a.m. No.19964059   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4070


>all tech is evil

Made up shitquote

>I know that

CPUs have no feelings, correct.

>not have the slightest understanding of tech

STUPID ASSumption, who am I?

>there is only "tech"


>either with me - the evil technocrat - or you must reject all "tech"


So you are the Bush of TechnocRATS.