Anonymous ID: d191b0 Nov. 22, 2023, 9:42 p.m. No.19963537   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3832



Fun fact: we have 3 brains, the brainstem, the limbic system/Fight-or-flight system, and the cerebral cortex. The cerebral cortex is where humans think logically, everyone can use this. Most sane people using their limbic system are using their "Mammalian" brain, which is an extension of our first brain, the brain-stem. There's another name for the brain-stem. the Reptilian brain. Were fighting lizard people because while traumatized you more closely act like a reptile than a mammal. The snake…


Triune brain


The triune brain is a model of the evolution of the vertebrate forebrain and behavior, proposed by the American physician and neuroscientist Paul D. MacLean in the 1960s. The triune brain consists of thereptilian complex(basal ganglia), the paleomammalian complex (limbic system), and the neomammalian complex (neocortex), viewed each as independently conscious, and as structures sequentially added to the forebrain in the course of evolution. According to the model, the basal ganglia are in charge of our primal instincts, the limbic system is in charge of our emotions and the neocortex is responsible for objective or rational thoughts.