You used an AI to write that, VaticanTard. Look at how desperate you're becoming.
You used an AI to write that, VaticanTard. Look at how desperate you're becoming.
Trust the plan. Patriots are in control. Of this, there is no doubt.
Go spam the catalog or something, useless bot.
Yeah, but he made the grade, so he knows what to do.
My worries? I'm not the one that behaves like a degenerate little shit suffering from a mental illness, replying to yourself all day. That persona is your safe space to hide behind. You get shredded when you be yourself here. You're the one that should be worried because of who you work for.
Had to after that question with the lyrics.
What narrative? You behave like a bot and have the intellect of a 70 IQ psychopath.
Pretends to be a patriot while spamming the board and catalog, creating strife for BO and BVs. Rants like a maniac on a single topic based around a single crumb for years upon years. P=Payseur broke your little brain.
You should cry.
You should cry too.
You have nothing but to attack my character, because I have no narrative. I go for the narrative, and then I go for the individual posting the narrative once that narrative is sufficiently shredded from my point of view. All that personal information gave, in hopes that the shills would want to try and turn it against me, only that ammunition was just duds when used against me. The walls closing in must be palpable for the shills now, wouldn't you say?
Egg nog flavored coffee beans. So damn good. Seasonal beans and this year they upped the rum extract flavor and dropped the cinnamon a bit, making it closer to actual egg nog. Delicious. And yes, I will curb my vulgarity. If I am less trashmouth IRL there's no reason why I shouldn't be here as well.
How do you bait them out of hiding and force a certain persona? It's quite easy once you figure out how. Hunters become the hunted. Herders become the herded.
Poor bastard.
You should cry about it.
Oh, you never noticed your whining? You whine that I'm always here. You whine about what I post. You try gaslighting me that I'm sick. You're desperate, and if I can see that then everyone can see it. You should cry, it might make you feel better.
Where's the MuhJoo spam that was posted relentlessly for years, and what are they attacking in its stead? They never went away. Their lives and their freedom depend on being able to sway things back to cabal favor.
Only they missed that window of opportunity. Too little, too late. Now they're the ones on the defense. Now they're the ones that get attacked for their spam. Now they're the ones that are weak projecting strength. Their persona game they play smacks of the same bullshit that transgenders try forcing on everyone, expecting everyone to play along with their delusion. All it takes is one person to say no. I wasn't that one person. Now all they have is gaslighting and character attacks, and they're useless. They're the weak ones projecting strength and they have to attack the object of their obsession because their previous obsession gets removed by the BVs.
KEK. Moar mimicry and Duper's Delight via vocabulary.
You will not corral my behavior or force it into the box you want. So, carry on, moran. You attack me because I point out shills and their tactics and bait them in my own way that is unorthodox to what you're used to? I don't care.
All this effort, for one individual, living below the poverty line, at his parent's place, that's not scared to speak his mind. It really is humbling and confusing at the same time. Such a waste of resources.
But I'm not a narcissist though. Because I don't refer to myself in the third person? "As an Anon, this Anon" blah blah blah. I break your "unwritten code" which is in fact written down at halfchan and you idiots tried forcing that upon me at the start of your crusade. Your rules were made to be broken, because they've trapped minds for too long.
Does a narcissist not claim what can be attributed to them? Do narcissists beg forgiveness from others? Do narcissists routinely profess thanks with humility and sincerity? You're throwing out the label "narcissist" like calling a black man a "white surpremicist." How can you idiots now realize that no matter what you do it will have no effect? That is the true definition of sick, of insanity - trying the same thing over and over and over and over and expecting a different result than the same one you always get. Now, piss off.
>i am a nobody and i'm fine with it
Ah, yes, 6 months of relentless psychological harassment that was for my own good and now he loves me. That is the mentality and behavior of an abuser, an actual narcissist trying to dominate another by sheer force of will. Too bad he's an idiot and in a tailspin. I do not feel sorry for him one bit.