Anonymous ID: 0a56ef Nov. 23, 2023, 7:46 a.m. No.19965295   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5314



everything is a psyop. Including Q, yet here we are willfully participating. Does psyop mean bad?


Side note: 'notice' antisemitic has proven to mean factual,m honest, and truth.

Anonymous ID: 0a56ef Nov. 23, 2023, 9:39 a.m. No.19965771   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5773 >>5785 >>5800


What you fail to realize is that NO ONE CARES.

You are here ALL THE TIME.

You praise yourself for contributing nothing but bred eating and toy dolls, and saying 'I see you shills'. We all do, and we filter or ignore.

And you likely do this for free, meaning you have no other IRL sense of purpose, commitments, or shit to actually do, it appears.

And when anons point this out, you accuse us of being paid shills for doing so. And yet it seems the concept that we too, many but surely not all, also are here for free is impossible to you.

You see pointing out truth about your behaviors as attacks, and think everyone is paid to be against you, yet fail to see that this is emblematic of actual disorder. Most DGAF about anonymous posters or opinions of anons, strangers, shills, bots, and either ignore or filter the nonrelevant or annoying ones to them, or engage and respond to those of interest. Most are here for the bigger picture assembled by the relevant contributions beyond the noise. Some also never filter, and thus are witness to you and the few other 'always on' 'anons' and laugh, empathize, or otherwise provoke you for their own amusement.

You have become a board pinata more so than most of the shills. And you seem to love it as you never leave. That would be a cause for reflection and self-examination for most.


Telling a fat person who is fat that they are fat is not attacking them. Nor is pointing out unstable, repetitive, abnormal, narcissistic, 'crazy' behavior to one exhibiting it an attack.


If you are in fact a living, unpaid human, IMHO you are a sick fuck. But anon is no doctor.



Anonymous ID: 0a56ef Nov. 23, 2023, 9:53 a.m. No.19965847   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5854



So first, stating facts was 'attacking', now it is 'whining'? uh huh

Desperate for what? Kek! Telling someone they are not well is not a passion for anon, but calling what anon sees is. Yes, you are damn right everyone can see what is happening here. All but one, ironically.


Anon feels great. Nothing to cry for. Gratitude for all things.


What would you do if this place disappeared? Nothing would change over here.


Just because you don't like the facts does not change their status as such. Change yourself if the truth hertz, or bathe in pain and cortisol. All is choice.

Anonymous ID: 0a56ef Nov. 23, 2023, 10:18 a.m. No.19965927   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>You will not corral my behavior or force it into the box you want


you are already corralled here, and behave the same constantly, as if stuck in a loop. no external efforts needed.


no one is making you maintain these patterns, and everyone responding to you is pointing them out, and their lack of worth, impact, and value. A coach, teacher, or a friend will tell you when you are fucking up. An enemy will let you destroy yourself. Free of charge. there were a few of us in the former category, but your stubbornness is making the latter category grow.


so anon gotta cut you off, as unwillingness to grow and change is unhealthy, and illness is contagious. Phil Turd.