Anonymous ID: af89ee Nov. 23, 2023, 9:30 a.m. No.19965726   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5739

Minnesota Statehood date and motto ‘hurtful’ to Minnesotans of indigenous backgrounds


Oh, for fuck's sake! These new state flag designs look like something that would come out of the United Nations. Minnesota was once a state known for its tough and hearty residents. The power-hungry Democrats never fail to disappoint the naivest state in the nation.


“For us Dakota people (that date) is tied to land cession treaties … it is a hurtful, hurtful date,” said Beane, who was selected as a commissioner by the Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board. “We need to think about how the symbolism of that date truly impacts others in Minnesota.”


Shelly Buck, who was one of Gov. Tim Walz’s three appointees to the commission, said she was wary of any use of the phrase “L’etoile du Nord” in a state seal. “Even with the French words, I don’t feel that’s who Minnesota is,” said Buck, who serves as vice president for the Prairie Island Tribal Council. “The original inhabitants (of Minnesota) are Dakota, and to this day we are still invisible in our homeland. I do think in some way, shape, or form that needs to be commemorated.”


The statutory instructions to the commission are to create a design that “accurately and respectfully reflect Minnesota’s shared history, resources, and diverse cultural communities.”


“Symbols, emblems, or likenesses that represent only a single community or person, regardless of whether real or stylized, may not be included in a design.”

