Anonymous ID: e32635 Nov. 23, 2023, 7:04 a.m. No.19965153   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5178 >>5221

>>19964328 lb

stop reporting this as though it's a law.

Can't be.

Under the Constitution

It's a regulation.

And will be again be appealed.

SCOTUS is so corrupt, who knows what will happen on that?

BUT NYC has been doing this for a while.

No one had the money to sue them, that knew and cared to protect.

A regulation is different from a law.

Hochel's power grab is against the Constitution

so by definition, will fail to rise to the level of LAW

Never forget that.

Know your rights, so you can keep them.

know your rights.

Don't comply.

If you believe you have none, well then you …. your rights will be null.

Beware of that, anons.

At this point it's Propagnada.

They want to paralyze people with fear, to obtain obedience.

It's a bluff.

There's too many, still there, who are fighting.

Stop with the fear pron


>>19965104 lb

These criminals are jokes.



Anonymous ID: e32635 Nov. 23, 2023, 8:11 a.m. No.19965386   🗄️.is 🔗kun


you do you.

i do me

wasn't addressed to you, Karen

and if you take it as being about you. .Well, that's your choice.

If you're trying to show the board to some third party, to prove something; you are doomed to fail, in any case.

A mood, a feeling, an emotion aren't approved by you in this case.

If it detracts from my argument, that's on you, not me.


maybe they are over-worked

have you ever thought of baking or note-taking yourself

Can you point out any mistakes, that could be helpful. I always do.

as far as I can tell they've been doing a great job.

getting rid of the disgusting and distracting spam

Anonymous ID: e32635 Nov. 23, 2023, 8:22 a.m. No.19965427   🗄️.is 🔗kun



prove you were here since day one;


why not go somewhere else where you can spam to your heart's content?

If something is important just screen shot and repost

That's what I do

Then everyone can see the hard work you did, which got erased and judge for themselves what kind of "job" is being done here

sick of the karens. snowflakes


You must be welcomed on FB. Many of us are not

Why not go back there?

These assholes who insult their hosts and insult the people doint all the work

And refuse to take screen shots and re-post their genius work that's lost forever otherwise.

Strange but they never have memes I wonder why

Is half still open?

Maybe they can go to half, and reem out "da Jews' 24 / 7 over there?

Anonymous ID: e32635 Nov. 23, 2023, 8:32 a.m. No.19965465   🗄️.is 🔗kun


thing is, if you were here much you'd know.

there's a shortage of reliable bakers.

and note-takers as well

It's a difficult job for the BO since all kinds of rats infiltrate to Bake

I met one the other week.

Insulting everybody. Deleting hard work

I learned then to always screen shot

And I should be note taking.

Anonymous ID: e32635 Nov. 23, 2023, 9:08 a.m. No.19965612   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5625 >>5627 >>5711 >>5780


She's an avatar, a star, a character - "she's" still in the movie.

I'll wait for the State funeral, (if she gets one) to decide for certain if she's dead.

Even then she could spring -up again; you never know.


She's a character.. Other actors play her role.

If the original is gone or not, it's all the same.

She's still a piece on the board.