Anonymous ID: 03399a Nov. 23, 2023, 2:33 p.m. No.19966965   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Totally get the anger

It doesn’t matter if they white,brown,yellow,red, etc

What matters is the crime

Let’s not lose focus and go with “white men will…”

It should say “Man will” as it’s a crime against humanity

Lines get crossed I understand that fully however phrasing it that way only makes it worse

Anonymous ID: 03399a Nov. 23, 2023, 2:40 p.m. No.19967004   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Buzz is barely in control of self

Don’t think he saw shit but his fuggen brian was gone in the 90s-witnessed him get triggered by the “ you dint go to moon” peeps moar than once

Years of playing that role will do that

Armstrong smart…stayed out of limelight

Anonymous ID: 03399a Nov. 23, 2023, 3:14 p.m. No.19967145   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7187


They’ve all been calling for it all year which is why it won’t

This can go on for a long time w/derivatives (and has)

Think back to 2007/8 they spent entire time saying everything is fine then BOOM. Those same people saying it’s gonna blow up now and it’s just had its best month for three years (almost)

Ain’t no way they blow it up with Yellen as Treasury Secretary because it would take about $25t to bail it out and they ain’t ready for that yet

When she gets switched out and they put someone in like Larry Summers/Fink then you know it’s coming. Exactly what was done for 2008 when they put Hank Paulson in that role to manage it cuz he came directly from Goldman

It should have blown up years ago so with an election season coming it would sit at the door of the dems cuz they own it and they can’t have that if they want Gavin in. The big difference in 08 was Bush was at end of second term so it dint matter then…it does now

Anonymous ID: 03399a Nov. 23, 2023, 3:50 p.m. No.19967226   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7280


They’ll get it from NYFED soon

Got $20b Q4 last year in swap lines

Arabs aren’t gonna do it again cept mebby MBS

But they got no place to put UBS and keep it internal (like they did with Credit Suisse)

Bond holders will make deals, equity markets not so much

I’m not saying it won’t habben as it should have years ago but less likely when it’s such a crowded trade (short) >>19965802 pb

Hedgies losing $43b sounds big but it’s not

They got the bots to go long so could yank it but still have billions in share buybacks to come

Anonymous ID: 03399a Nov. 23, 2023, 3:54 p.m. No.19967232   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7235


Cooked today

Eat it tomorrow

Limited wut I can do and pick up still

Plus used to do it that way at mex house years ago-travel today and cooked it after arriving eat next day

Nobody travels today cuz already “there”

You bizzy so I’ll ttyl and gettin stank eye from Doggo

Anonymous ID: 03399a Nov. 23, 2023, 4:29 p.m. No.19967313   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7322 >>7409 >>7463 >>7479 >>7537


It’s the money all that matters. If the bond holders don’t wanna negotiate then UBS has a problem and need someone like that. The Qatari s got screwed on Moran Stanley in 07 so unlikely them.

Look how long the Chinese saga went on w/Evergrande and the others still ongoing

I wouldn’t rule out Japan either Mitsui or sumitomo

They also focused on China nao and raising savings rates to mebby shove money that way….did it in 2015.

MBS could do it no problem money wise but it’s a black hole like douche bank and monte de paschi in Italy so the question is why would he want to.

Likely the bondholders take a haircut or risk having nuffin later.

Anonymous ID: 03399a Nov. 23, 2023, 4:50 p.m. No.19967409   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7432 >>7479 >>7537

>>19967187, >>19967313, >>19967322

Anyone can go in and buy those default swaps at anytime and the CEO knows it’s gonna have to be an external (non Swiss bank ) cuz they shot wad putting CS into UBS


“Of course, this would likely entail an international buyer."

CEO Ermotti said so he knows they need it outside or get it from NYFED-those swap lines reported every Thursday so we’ll see but they vaporized $20b last year via Swiss Nat Bank and NYFED doing the CS-UBS shotgun wedding and that dint include the loan loss guarantees

And then he sez this? After selling AT1 bonds just recently

UBS chief Sergio Ermotti calls for tougher sanctions on negligent bankers


Investors Return to AT1 Bonds as UBS’s Sale Inspires Confidence

Credit spreads on UBS’s AT1 bond have tightened since issuance last week


I wanna know where they gonna put or do with Santander
