Anonymous ID: 0b5556 Nov. 23, 2023, 3:08 p.m. No.19967120   🗄️.is 🔗kun

There you were in the higher realms.

A call goes out, earth needs help.

Earth is low level density planet where souls early on their journey have to choose between the light or darkness.

In order to do this fairly (for the souls evolution) there are special rules for low density planets.

The main rules is the law of free will.

There are severe karmic laws as well and many others.

There is also a veil in place around earth so that souls cannot remember previous lives.

When you are born you forget everything.

Earth was at a tipping point falling towards darkness and a call went out across the universe for volunteers to help the light.

Newer souls that are still on their journey through the lower dimensions have never experienced the higher realms of love.

They have never experienced a realm without money, greed, negativity, fear, hate so they wouldn't notice that something is very wrong here.

The old souls, even with their memory wiped know deep down this is wrong. this is all about control. Slavery on a planetary level.

So now here you are, will Earth go to the darkness or the light?