Anonymous ID: 621d60 Nov. 23, 2023, 7:49 p.m. No.19968130   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Saving Israel for last?

Might not be able to save Israel at all now.


[they] have been expelled from over 1030 places.


not 109 or whatever is often said:


get your phd here (too big to attach):



Hebrews, Israelites, and Jews


The terms “Hebrew”, “Israelite”, and “Jew” are often conflated and they do, indeed, have overlapping meanings, but they are also distinct terms that sometimes reference diametrically opposed things. A “Jew” can be one who is religiously a Jew, ethnically a Jew, or even one who truly believes (for Scripture speaks in this way). “Israel” can mean the man, the nation, or the Church. It is incumbent on Christians to make careful and correct use of these terms, not to be incautious or sloppy.


Many heresies have arisen in the history of the Church due to deliberate or careless misuse of terms — and many of these heresies persist into the present. For instance, without a false understanding of what the terms “Israel” and “Church” mean, there would be no such thing as ‘Christian’ Zionism. In this episode, we go over the Scriptural (and a bit of the historical) case with regard to the Jews — who they are, what they’ve done, and what that means for Christians.



Lies, Betrayal, and Murder — the Fruits of Another Spirit


Over a course of millennia, the Jewish people have shown a pattern of behavior (one that continues to this day) that has brought them into near-constant conflict with their neighbors. Many of our Christian forefathers have commented on this matter (e.g., John Chrysostom, Martin Luther, Paul). It is not inappropriate for Christians to ask questions about the Jews, about their behavior, and about their actions down through history.


In this episode, we examine the history of the Jewish people from just after the time of Christ until just before the Enlightenment. It is in the annals of history that the Jews have proven themselves to be, in the words of Scripture, ‘enemies of all mankind’ who ‘displease God’. Not idly does Christ speak of them as the Synagogue of Satan (n.b., the words He chose).


Christians need not fear the truth, no matter how unpopular (or, in some cases, illegal) it may be. Again, the words of Christ: “And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” (Matthew 10:28 [ESV]).



The Revolutionary Spirit


Christians must be ready — in season and out of season — to speak the truth. We are not Christians only some of the time, and Christianity, unlike Islam, has no provision for dissimulation — you may not feign to be something other than Christian for the sake of convenience or even safety. Even at risk of life or limb or honor, the Christian must boldly proclaim Christ and Him crucified.


This duty to speak the truth pertains not only to matters of the Christian religion, but also to all other matters. It is not the (perhaps uncharitable formulation of the) Kantian conception of truth — that one must never tell a falsehood of any kind —, but rather a duty to speak the truth when and where the truth is demanded. For instance, the 8th Commandment prohibits us from bearing false witness against our neighbor, and this duty does not terminate upon that neighbor’s death.


The Christian is a Christian at all times and in all things. As Christians, we are to forgive our personal enemies (inimicus), but this does not mean that we have no political or religious enemies (hostis) — for those who are enemies of God are enemies of all Christians. It is the duty, in fact, of Christians to oppose the enemies of God and His Church. And so, in today’s episode, we continue our series on the Jews.