Anonymous ID: ee46a2 Nov. 23, 2023, 6:30 p.m. No.19967777   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7780 >>7785 >>7787 >>7791 >>7793



Mind Expansion Exercise: Negative Space (1/4)

Train your brain to switch between different perspectives and to configure the same data in a new way. New patterns emerge from the same picture.

How to: take an image or look at an arrangment of objects in real life. Soften your focus; let go of your eyes' automatic focus on the easily identified shapes. Look for the empty spaces between different objects and identify their edges. Bring the empty space into focus. Make it the centre of your attention. All known objects or easily identifiable shapes drop into the background, interesting only as they relate to the negative space.

You can try it out with this image. Make the sky the focus and let all other objects fade. Look at the sky behind and around the objects and pay attention to the blue shapes that frame the objects in the photo.


Watch this 3 minute video for more explanation of positive and negative space.

Positive and Negative Space

Anonymous ID: ee46a2 Nov. 23, 2023, 6:32 p.m. No.19967791   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7800 >>7802


Mind Expansion Exercise: Negative Space (2/4)

Here are a few more pictures for you to try.

You can use the simple black and white pictures to practice switching focus. Notice the shapes made by the black parts of the picture, then the white parts. Switch back and forth a few times to see the image in different ways.

Then try with the more complex shapes in this photo. Look at the cork board in the background and make it your focus.

What shapes emerge as you let your usual perspective temporarily fade?

When you bring your gaze back into normal focus, do you notice anything different or new?

Anonymous ID: ee46a2 Nov. 23, 2023, 6:35 p.m. No.19967802   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7810 >>7811


Mind Expansion Exercise: Negative Space (3/4)

The negative space exercise is often taught in art classes to train the eye in more accurate vision.

You don't have to be any good at drawing to try this exercise. Simply take a pen or pencil and a peace of paper, group a few objects together on a table in front of you and sketch out the shapes between the objects.

Here's a video tutorial with more instructions and a simple practice exercise.

Negative Space Drawing

Anonymous ID: ee46a2 Nov. 23, 2023, 6:37 p.m. No.19967810   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Mind Expansion Exercise: Negative Space (4/4)

Expand the concept of negative space to the world around you.

Choose your own adventure:

  • Go out in your neighbourhood and sketch the space between the buildings.

  • Go to the park and sketch the space between the trees and shrubs.

  • Look at the room you are in as objects and empty space. Move around the room, stepping backwards and sideways, twisting and turning in the empty space. Notice what shape is created by the arrangement of the furniture or other items in the room. How does it feel to be in that shape of a space?

  • Consider your life as themes. Draw shapes on a piece of paper to represent the "big" things in your life (home, career, mission, personal relationships or whichever categories your mind comes up with), then soften your focus and look at the empty areas between the shapes. As you connect with your subconscious mind, do any words, phrases or insights emerge? Jot them down beside your drawing, or write your insights inside the negative space.

  • Write in your journal or logbook on this journaling prompt (or any other open-ended questions that occur to you):

→ What are the biggest obstacles blocking your way forward? Jot them down, then shift your focus from what you cannot do and look for the spaces between the obstacles. Are there ways to sneak through the cracks? Where's the wiggle room? Can you find room for movement between the obstacles?

Anonymous ID: ee46a2 Nov. 23, 2023, 6:48 p.m. No.19967866   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>what was the name of that cathedral they burned down in France?

You mean back in 2019?

That was Notre Dame Cathedral.


>Reflection in Big Mike's champagne flute if anon remembers correctly.

Yeah, I remember that too. It sure looked like it anyway.

Anonymous ID: ee46a2 Nov. 23, 2023, 7:29 p.m. No.19968075   🗄️.is 🔗kun


There's no way biden did that polar plunge, he's clearly far too weak to pass any kind of stress test. Although it would be funny to see the pictures of his bedraggled wreckage of a face if they did dunk him for reelz. That'd be memeable.


Btw what pepe is snacking on there >>19967965 looks delish. Looks like there's a hot chocolate and brownie there for me too! Thanks pepe.

Here's some memes as a thank you present.