Anonymous ID: bada3d Nov. 24, 2023, 6:12 a.m. No.19969622   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Why are you doing this?

The paycheck isn't worth it.

(you) are a pawn JUST LIKE WE ARE


your leaders sold you out

OUR leaders sold us ALL out

We are fighting THEIR War.


And who profits the most?

theY do.


Be smarter. You know who wins this game.

Walk away from the board


Who is the enemy?

It's not me or other anons across all borders.

It's your paycheck signer.


Smart move here is turn tail and start fighting on the side who will win.

We have the numbers and we won't back down

Go after the real enemy because we are

and we will take our wealth back.


We are organized and you are outnumbered and you won't win.

And we are taking names along the way.....


Make better choices here.