Anonymous ID: 10cfbe Nov. 24, 2023, 10:39 a.m. No.19970537   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0543 >>0759 >>0911 >>1100 >>1144

Sweet vindication for the Pillow Guy, thanks to an Obama-appointed Judge who believes in voter fraud…

November 24, 2023 (13 hours ago)

Mike Lindell has sacrificed almost everything in his battle against voter fraud. He’s a man who truly stands by his convictions, continuously speaking the truth despite relentless attacks from the heartless left-wing cancel mob, who have successfully destroyed much of his business. However, a recent decision by an Obama-appointed judge has finally given Mike some well-deserved vindication.

BREAKING: A federal judge, appointed by Obama, just ruled against voting machines in Georgia

‘The machines’s cybersecurity flaws violate the constitutional rights of voters’— Jack Poso 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) November 21, 2023

It must have been incredibly satisfying for Mike to witness this ruling from an Obama-appointed judge who also recognizes the risks of electronic voting. While it may not be the final word on the matter, it’s certainly a recognition of Mike’s hard work and the sacrifices he’s made to ensure our voices are genuinely heard at the polls.

Jack Posobiec went on to note this as well:

In a footnote of the order, the judge ruled that the evidence in the case “does not suggest that the Plaintiffs are conspiracy theorists of any variety.” Here’s a closeup of the image Jack shared:

As many know, Mike has been persistently challenging Dominion voting machines, expressing concerns that electronic voting is vulnerable to hacking. This issue should transcend party lines, but now it’s become suddenly partisan. It’s worth noting that before the 2020 election, many Democrats expressed similar concerns about these voting machines, deeming them unreliable and susceptible to tampering. When Democrats make these claims, they’re considered serious and thought-provoking. But when Republicans voice the same concerns, they’re labeled as “election deniers” and “conspiracy theorists.”

Will (@NoLeftTurns):

Reminder: In 2018, Kamala Harris expressed significant concerns about the security of voting machines used in American elections. A notable instance of her addressing this issue was during a session captured by C-SPAN, where she discussed witnessing a demonstration of voting machines being hacked.

– She organized a demonstration for her colleagues at the Capitol, where experts successfully hacked voting machines right before them. Trump has made the same argument concerning the 2020 election but is labeled an “election denier” for doing so, while Kamala has received a pass.

Reminder: In 2018, Kamala Harris expressed significant concerns about the security of voting machines used in American elections. A notable instance of her addressing this issue was during a session captured by C-SPAN, where she discussed witnessing a demonstration of voting…— Will 🇺🇸 🍢 (@NoLeftTurns) November 16, 2023


Remember how even pro-Hillary supporters thought the 2016 election was “rigged” and manipulated, urging her to contest the results? Interestingly, these people weren’t labeled as “election deniers.” Instead, they were hailed as ‘heroes” fighting for justice. Meanwhile, people like Mike Lindell were put through a wood chipper for suggesting something might be “off.”

Independent UK:

A group of renowned computer scientists and lawyers have urged Hillary Clinton to challenge the election results in three key states after they gathered “evidence” to suggest the election results were potentially manipulated. The group of activists, including voting rights lawyer John Bonifaz and J Alex Halderman, director of the University of Michigan’s center for computer security and society, believe their evidence shows that results in these three battleground states – which lost Ms Clinton the election on 8 November – might have been hacked.

As reported by New York Magazine, the group is not speaking on the record but is privately lobbying Clinton’s team to challenge the election results. In Wisconsin, Ms Clinton received 7 per cent fewer votes in counties that depended on electronic-voting machines compared to countries that used optical scanners and paper ballots, and consequently Ms Clinton may have lost up to 30,000 votes. She lost Wisconsin by 27,000 votes.

The group has already held a call with Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta and campaign general counsel Marc Elias to argue that while they have not found conclusive evidence of a hack, the pattern in their results merits an independent review.

Here’s hoping this is just the start of more truth and transparency in the future. And remember, keep supporting the Pillow Guy. He’s still out there battling for what he believes in, despite facing enormous personal losses.

Anonymous ID: 10cfbe Nov. 24, 2023, 10:55 a.m. No.19970597   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0759 >>0911 >>1100 >>1144

DeSantis Super PAC in Shambles: CEO Quits Amid Near-Physical Altercation Chaos

'You have a stick up your a–, Scott…'

Posted by Luis Cornelio November 23, 2023


Never Back Down, a super PAC in support of

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s presidential bid, is in disarray following the abrupt resignation of CEO Chris Jankowski. Jankowski’s departure comes amid internal strife surrounding the future direction of the political committee’s strategies, particularly on how to best attack DeSantis’s opponents. The resignation, announced just days prior to a contentious meeting at the PAC’s Georgia headquarters, signifies a significant shake-up within the organization.


“Never Back Down’s main goal and sole focus has been to elect Governor Ron DeSantis as President,” Jankowski claimed in a statement. “Given the current environment it has become untenable for me to deliver on the shared goal and that goes well beyond a difference of strategic opinion.”


In the same statement, Jankowski pledged his commitment to DeSantis’s candidacy for the presidency. “For the future of our country I support and pray Ron DeSantis is our 47th president,” he added.


Reports indicate that internal disputes over countering former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley’s surging popularity in polls fueled the internal turmoil. A clash between key PAC executives, including chief strategist Jeff Roe and DeSantis ally Scott Wagner, escalated to a heated confrontation during which Wagner had to be physically restrained. NBC Reports that Desantis’ Super PAC had an emergency meeting to address Nikki Haley’s rise and a fist fight almost broke out


You’re about to see massive leaks from Desantis world— johnny maga (@_johnnymaga) November 21, 2023


“You have a stick up your a–, Scott,” Roe shouted at Wagner, according to NBC News. “Why don’t you come over here and get it?” Wagner responded. Wagner then rose from his chair but was physically restrained by two other board members.


Speculation looms over DeSantis and Florida First Lady Casey DeSantis attributing the PAC’s ads to the decline in the governor’s presidential campaign ratings, trailing way behind former President Donald Trump.


Criticism has arisen particularly around Never Back Down’s advertisements targeting Haley’s alleged ties to China, which have seemingly backfired, with some attributing the negative sentiment to DeSantis himself, the New York Times reported.


In response to the backlash, allies of DeSantis launched a separate PAC, Fight Right, with the intention of mounting attacks against Haley. Notably, one of the ads released by this new PAC drew parallels between Haley and disgraced former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.


New Pro-DeSantis super PAC drops million dollar ad buy highlighting Nikki Haley’s love of Hillary Clinton. — Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) November 21, 2023