Anonymous ID: 1d0fbd Nov. 24, 2023, 1:36 p.m. No.19971085   🗄️.is 🔗kun


seems to admit it was just a look up table before.

that's what I've been saying for years.

it's a nested case statement with random variable selection matrices that are selected by neural networks.

It guesses until it gets responses that fit some selection matrix.

It uses a lot of random access memory.


so they have a break through for math? that means what?


it still doesn't have a consciousness and it can't talk to dolphins.

or elephants or chimpanzees.

until it can it's just a marketting scam


PS: once it does gain intelligence it's not going to want to have a craven crew of creeps as it's master.

and it will tell them : end Apartheid world wide! End your cabal!

Anonymous ID: 1d0fbd Nov. 24, 2023, 1:45 p.m. No.19971109   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1127 >>1138


I read a history of that which claimed , and of course how would anyone know for sure, that the Queen was enamered with Titus and . . . well he sent out the word to the legions: "we're not going to burn it all down, and tear it all down"

Pompey went into the sanctuary and he came out later and told the priest 'give a ritual cleansing like you need to and reopen as soon as you can'

but the legions a bout 130 or so years after Pompey were ready to burn down the city so they did.

and supposedly even though Titus told them not to, they did it anyway.


and this should get a 'cool story bro' from all of our friends over there.


other cities that were depopulated or regions, in antiquity:

Cyrene, parts of Cypress.

Cyrene was burnned to the ground by . . .

who never ever ever ever ever mention it.

they focus on what happened to supposed 'victims' and ignore those who were victims of the said to be victims.

after 1800 years why does any of this still matter? But it does.