Anonymous ID: e7475d Nov. 24, 2023, 10:08 a.m. No.19970441   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>19970292 lb

Famefaggin’ lackey

Identifiable by constant overuse of same memes and thinks they “run” this place and is part of OSS/8bit crew of degenerates

Board cancer as most already know. Cries about censorship and is constantly pestering BO/BVs in meta

Posts nothing of value ever and only here to listen to self and post “questions” about what the call censorship (spam is not content brotatochip)

Filters don’t work because they are deleted for violating stated board policiesis that muh static VPN BREH!

That one was tardtastic


I’m sure Ben is quite amused at the overuse of his trademarked persona

>doesn’t know who Ben is either

>inb4 next “no one cares” or the next “muh spam is being deleted” whinging meme and don’t bother replying as you are filtered each time you hop (by most of board by now)

Anonymous ID: e7475d Nov. 24, 2023, 11:09 a.m. No.19970634   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0759 >>0911 >>1100 >>1144

European Bonds Shaken As Germany Suspends "Debt Brake" To Allow Increased Borrowing


Dutch bond yields hardly widened vis-à-vis their German counterparts yesterday, following the political shockwave in the Netherlands. Yet the whole European bond building shook a little as the German government decided to suspend its debt brake in order to allow for increased borrowing. That decision was a big climbdown for ‘frugal’ FDP finance minister Christian Lindner. Indeed, it was a painful defeat for the coalition as a whole, since the debt brake, which limits the amount of new debt to 0.35% of GDP in normal times, was reinstated earlier this year after being dormant for three years during the pandemic and the energy crisis.


The suspension followed on the heels of last week’s ruling by the Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe, saying that the German government unjustly relabelled EUR 60bn in unspent off-balance sheet pandemic funds for climate investments. This implies that the fund can no longer be held off-balance sheet and that any spending that was planned with the fund would have to run through the budget. Spending on projects that is not yet committed can be cancelled, but the government will have to honour any commitments already made (estimated at EUR 37bn, about 1% of GDP).This left a gaping hole in the 2023 budget, which has thus forced the government to temporarily suspend the debt brake.

More importantly than the 2023 budget, is the structural challenge the ruling poses. German policy makers have often used off-balance sheet funds that do not show up in the annual budget, to avoid the straightjacket of the debt brake. The Economic Stabilisation Fund (EUR 200bn, some 5% of GDP) is one of them and now also under scrutiny. If a complaint is filed and it is ruled to be unconstitutional as well, this could derail the German investment agenda completely. In that case, any investment planned for through the fund, would have to be made from the running budget, without taking on any (significant) extra debt. This is a serious risk for the economic outlook of Germany, which isn't doing that great to say the least, as confirmed by yesterday's PMI figures and with industrial production still well below pre-pandemic levels. Moreover, the need for state-led investments in (energy) infrastructure, digitalisation==see here >19968091 pb==and new technologies is bigger than ever.


(The rally’s in global equity markets will continue as even the threat of yet another default-this time at UBS-just doesn’t matter as you’ve got constant short covering and corporate buybacks to counter any perceived release of bad economic data-they have largely gotten the AI trading programs to go long but took a little away from them in the NASDAQ in todays shortened session. That-bot trading positions-changes in milliseconds so it could have already been reapplied-but the last month has been largely those AI programs having to cover AND go long so that is TWICE the upside buying pressure)


All pb

>>19967187, >>19967313, >>19967322, >>19967432, >>19967409 UBS CEO: SWITZERLAND NEEDS A PUBLIC LIQUIDITY BACKSTOP


If the Swiss are going to get a swap line from the New York Fed-to bail out UBS-it hasn’t habbened yet-none done this week

And it’s US equity trades actually had it up today do those bondholders must be in negotiations


UBS NYSE price went up today and is basically about $.60 below it’s year to date high-cap 3 which is also its 5 year high so whatever is going on with the rise in Credit Default Swaps is NOT affecting its equity price…..yet see links above on that story


Today in US Markets is cap 4 and cap 5 is Energy with WTI crude down again -2.56% and just above $75 per barrel


>>19969924 lb Argentina's Milei says shutting central bank 'non-negotiable'


They (previous President) locked Argentina into moar IMF debt slave munee prior to election so if you thought it was going to change with a “new” President that was yer clue it wasn’t-even before his WEF profile posted

None of these leaders get to the top spot unless controlled or allowed N-O-N-E


Argentina “borrowed” 20 times from the IMF since 1956-when Peron kicked out just before so they lost the hard connection to Martin Bormann and the black Nazi money-so they just went to the official Nazis…the IMF for money


Nuffin changing for people of Argentina but it will take a few weeks for the ‘hangover’ to wear off before they realize they have yet another stooge as President

Argentina's Milei may find an unexpected friend in the IMF