#MeToo. Will u filter me?
because they loaded a barge
full of kidnapped children
while he had the (word that rhymes with direction)
to make his collection
and he knew it was wrong
but said fuck it.
One of these days you're going to have to have faith and believe BEFORE you see if you want your prayers answered.
Is that General Walker, the one who provided nana pelosi's comms when she planned J6, so that when FBI investigated, nothing would lead back to her bc was done via military?
she poasted this on her Truth social
Well, my neighbors are real pieces of shit and I don't have stockholm syndrome. I'll love them when they deserve it. One shot a chihuahua 3x for no reason and abuses her dogs n hangs them by the collar and the other one keeps calling the cops on me and lying to them but last time, I came here and asked for prayer and then he ended up blowing his cover and he got caught lying. His sister even called the cops and said I had slashed his tires and dumped trash in his yard. Sheriff didn't believe him n neither did the po so nobody came out. I can now go slash the fuckers tires and nobody will believe him if he calls. I hope they fucking die.
And yes, God STILL adores me.
No. I was just mentioning what general walker did for nancy and had not realized that was him. I have that vid saved also. Never realized it was him til just seen't walker on his uniform. Not saying anything against transition to military power.
Says the dumb ass that worships a creation, not the Creator, and admits it.
Trump took the gold from the Vatican, so IDK. Honestly, I didn't listen to it, kmao.
stfu loser
Dear Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes.
The Anons would appreciate it if you sauce all your claims, bc you sound like a conspiracy theorist Qanoner to them. Thank you.
(Not me, I believe you … unfortunately or not, but the Anons are reeeeeally smart.)
Also, Dr. Jan, could what Anons call
be cognitive dissonance? I'm really asking bc I feel like that's what it is with me, but I'm not skird to believe, so I tell myself my disbelief is cognitive dissonance and I run with the hopium, with is the substance of things prayed for, the evicthe evidence of things not seen. (Book of Kek/ Chapter: Spiritual Battle 11:1-6)