New terms to quash stereotypes while still calling out
the combative subgroups.
While we coined the phrase "not anti-X but pattern
matching, so we can called out organized fanatical
combatives logically; this phrase does not go far
enough and should be used after we have defined the
subgroups distinctively. Whether it is anti- :: (Semitic,
Black, Muslim, LGBT, and other terms such as
Homophobia, Misogyny, and other isolate terms), there
is no pre-term to describe such subgroups with clarity;
although we do have terms like: (ultra, intra, radical,
etc…) they still leave these subgroups vaguely defined.
We need a term to describe:
a. that they are a subset and not a stereotype
b. that they converge around a mindset
c. that they have and use an excuse for their actions
d. that they will take actions that go beyond boundries
e. that they are will to destroy in order to accomplish
their agenda.
As I tried numerous combinations, I kept coming back
to "gang of" to describe their sub-grouping and
"organized" as in organization, whether explicit or
implicit, based upon "fanatical" principles.Thus the
gang of organized fanatical indignant extremist
and the pre-term to describe an individual
gangster of organized fanatical indignants.
Their is a faction of Migrant-goofies
He is acting like a goofi-progressive
This way we are neither prejudice, discrimminatory,
biased, nor stereotyping but calling out dangerous
subgroups that even the MSM cannot argue by our
definition. Pattern matching at this point is not only fair
and justified but undeniable.
Feel free to critique and make suggestions to better
exemplify a-e.