Israel ID: 305573 Nov. 25, 2023, 8:32 a.m. No.19974521   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Its interesting that in the new RE4 remake

the character that looks like Jesus had this

big piece of added content about curing the

vax. The information provided from the NPC

and from his notes has the shocking

appearance of accuracy. He mentions

removing the parasite from his own body

with surgery showing the scar - the cells

in the vax turn into a 10ft morgellon/atenna

head tapeworm like the ones seen in the

blood scans, and that 10ft module takes

root as the sort of motherboard, along the

spine twice like a kundalini. It would be

damnear impossible to remove.


His notes say that if done before the parasite

hatches, it can be removed with an antigen

but after it hatches its damn near impossible

and that it could be removed with a special

radioactive frequency, which is used on the

two main characters to remove it very

painfully. Cus its lodged into their nervous



Its like Jesus Christ rolled out to give us a

crashcourse on treating the vaccinated.


compare it to fixing a car. Your car works, than a

whole entire car is built inside of your car, and the

only way to fix it is to remove that car from your car.

Except all the parts are inside of all the parts.


You'd do so much work it would be easier just to build

a new car from scratch.


But if you took out the motherboard morgellon, maybe

MAYBE the bodies natural process, scalar energy,

could excreet all the rest. Cept, the rest of the parasite

is actively holding onto the body as to not be destroyed

or excreeted.


You can't fix this without an apocalypse and a destruction of earth. and a new earth.