puzzle wise, what is Q-Key-Biblical?
>why do you mistake the media and corrupt government for the people and mis-Characterize the people?
Americans make up the government, the people, and the media >> So anon got that much right.
Never would be then now and future so wrong on that part, have fought in past when their was nothing more to loose, so will not fight until to late because they hold on to what they have left instead of stand for what is under attack.
>see you in the FEMA camp.
That is the day many live/prepare for
The day definitive license to warrior is authorized and many live free until they don't live.
>Stop thinking cultures, and start thinking people. Culture divides, we are one people.
People fight each other for the benefits provided for by the very principalities that bind them from fighting.
holiday past
another to come
biggest gap between is now
today is good for another chemical/gas explosion
What city or state is ripe for it? Any recent drills?
How many have to die during the upcoming dark winter before they turn the power back on?
>Exactly. every vote is money and acceptance to them. Donยดt worship Demo(n)crazy.
Every vote is a guaranteed debtor for the loan of power perception
Can we number how many God's exist/existed?