Anonymous ID: 8ef2cb Nov. 25, 2023, 10:05 a.m. No.19974904   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4920

>>19974816 (lb)

Nazis? Like, the ones that post MuhJoo? Those kinds of shitheads that are paid to post like they have a zealous obsession to post that sort of garbage, like they're paid to? Or maybe, and I hate to say it, perhaps Islam? After seeing them praying on the grounds of Westminster Abbey today… Their hatred is ancient between those two, and they surround a certain country. Now, I have nothing against them as I know a lot of good ones, good people that I became friends with, but I can't help but remember that their prophet is a documented pedophile in their holy books. Sorry, but not sorry for saying that.


Those are two big reasons I could see to shill here, with money to back it up, both Middle-Eastern, and tax dollars from infiltrated countries laundered through another. I've also been watching a lot of Al Jazeera lately to see what the other side is saying and their footage I see being used in North American media. Makes you think.


I don't think Putin was lying when he said he wanted to de-Nazify the Donbas. I don't believe it's a coincidence that Swastikas were spotted being flown in Palestine and the areas where the 10/7 took place. I don't believe it's a coincidence that their is a ton of video and photographic evidence for anyone to search and see for themselves of Nazi symbology in Zelenskyy's military. I can't remember when the Wikipedia article was edited, but it used to say the Azov Battalion, who supplied footage to the North American media at the start of their war, was a Neo-Nazi organization and was fighting and killing Russian speaking Ukrainians in the Donbas region.


I'm enjoying the show…