Anonymous ID: 3f61d5 Nov. 25, 2023, 1:36 p.m. No.19975901   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5927 >>6088 >>6090 >>6331 >>6409


The Left must get its violence under control.

It's not going to like the counterreaction


Washington Examiner, by Becket Adams



Posted By: ladydawgfan, 11/25/2023 3:19:40 PM


When it comes to political violence, the Left has a problem. The Right likewise has a problem, but there's no shortage of commentary regarding this exact topic. In fact, even the federal government is laser-focused on violence from the Right. In contrast, left-wing violence in the United States tends to go largely unnoticed, if not unpunished. A word of advice from a historical perspective, for both parties: Get your people under control, embrace coexistence, and stop trying to "immanentize the eschaton" via violence. Because if you do manage to brute force the U.S. into adopting your preferred reality,

Anonymous ID: 3f61d5 Nov. 25, 2023, 1:41 p.m. No.19975922   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6090 >>6331 >>6409


Scott Adams


2024 is starting to look amazing.






Elon Musk’s lawsuit is well-grounded in Texas law and could prove very expensive for Media Matters


Excellent article & legal analysis by ex-lawyer @baseballcrank


The specific charge by X in its lawsuit is that Media Matters took extraordinary steps to game X’s system in order…

Show more





9:21 AM · Nov 25, 2023




Anonymous ID: 3f61d5 Nov. 25, 2023, 2:13 p.m. No.19976035   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6044 >>6090 >>6331 >>6409


Shadow of Ezra


The Red Cross is a child trafficking money laundering operation.


Red Cross takes your free blood donations and sells it for billions of dollars for profit.


The Rothschild family has been closely associated with the British Red Cross since its inception in 1870 when Nathaniel, 1st Lord Rothschild (1840-1915) became one of the founder members.

5:51 AM · Nov 25, 2023




Anonymous ID: 3f61d5 Nov. 25, 2023, 2:17 p.m. No.19976052   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6057 >>6090 >>6106 >>6331 >>6409


Russian, Chinese Businessmen Considering Secret Underwater Tunnel Connecting to Crimea: Report

Nicholas Dolinger by Nicholas Dolinger

November 25, 2023

Anonymous ID: 3f61d5 Nov. 25, 2023, 2:21 p.m. No.19976075   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6090 >>6331 >>6409



See new posts


Sir Doge of the Coin ⚔️




I wonder if there is an Irish equivalent to the “Twitter files” that has yet to be uncovered at X. 🤔

Elon Musk









Absolutely there is bro. Look at Sinead McSweeney's CV before she took over in Dublin.


Also former Lord Mayor of Dublin Hazel Chu once tweeted that she had a friend in Twitter Dublin who helped her get rid of accounts she didn't like.



Michael Rae Khoury reposted

Elon Musk


Wow, this is bad!

10:56 AM · Nov 25, 2023




Anonymous ID: 3f61d5 Nov. 25, 2023, 2:35 p.m. No.19976126   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6150


Hollywood Has Forgotten Its Own Lessons On Masculinity — And One Timeless Classic Proves It


[Screenshot/YouTube/Paramount via Rotten Tomatoes Classic Trailers]


[Screenshot/YouTube/Paramount via Rotten Tomatoes Classic Trailers]


Gage Klipper


November 25, 2023 9:12 AM ET


Being a man means caring for the next generation — not only for its physical safety, but for its moral formation. Both Shane and Logan know this, and they sacrifice themselves for it.

Anonymous ID: 3f61d5 Nov. 25, 2023, 2:37 p.m. No.19976133   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6149 >>6239 >>6331 >>6409


General Mike Flynn


Never forget that war results when diplomacy fails. And we have massive failure occurring on an almost daily basis right now. Like it or not, we are in WWIII (and greater sacrifices are on the horizon).


And God help us, but below is only a summary of our current (Biden) administration:


  1. They describe America as a systemically racist nation;


  1. They appoint Marxists and other radical ideologues to positions of power (some now aides to the POTUS himself accused of spying for our most determined adversaries);


  1. They allow millions to surge across our southern border (~10M now);


  1. They’re still attempting to federalize our election systems and processes;


  1. They’ve implemented critical race theory in our schools, our military and across the entire U.S. government (and our military still misses its recruiting goals!);


  1. And all along, they’ve raised the national debt which now exceeds $30 trillion — spending us toward extinction.


All of this for left-wing causes.


Let us not forget the Afghanistan disaster, the myriad lies about COVID, a certain Biden-owned laptop, a complete refusal to investigate allegations of election irregularities (anywhere) … the war in the Middle East, Americans still held hostage, the war in Ukraine (that’s right, it’s still ongoing), “peaceful” pro-Palestinian protests on our streets based on one-sided media manipulation, all while China gets a pass (in fact, the administration not only gave them a pass, they recently embraced them).


It is extremely difficult to trust this administration on any level, especially when they lie with a straight face to the American people daily.


Anyone who questions these rotten foreign and domestic policies are demonized as racist, an Islamophobe, homophobe or whatever-o-phobe.


We also see the continuation of the unleashing of the federal government on citizens who are simply exercising their constitutional rights and the establishment media covers all this incompetence with a fake smile due to their own deep corruption.


Lastly, our president rarely entertains questions or takes responsibility for his tone deafness and failures.


This White House ignores any questions about America’s legitimate security concerns. We have yet to hear from the President of the United States an explanation of any U.S. national security interests for any of these failures in Ukraine, the Middle East, at the border, rising crime, a failing economy, etc., etc.


Americans must take a stand at their local levels and get involved where you can, with what you can, when you can. No more excuses. Pro-America Governors need to step up and do more. All RINO candidates running for POTUS need to step down and get behind the one candidate (DJT) who might be able to right this sinking ship.


In the end, trust in God.


May He continue to watch over and protect all Americans, but especially our military serving overseas right now.


And may God continue to bless and protect the United States of America 🦅🙏🏼🇺🇸

11:30 AM · Nov 25, 2023




Anonymous ID: 3f61d5 Nov. 25, 2023, 2:46 p.m. No.19976174   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6211 >>6237 >>6331 >>6409


Wall Street Apes


History You Were NEVER Told. American’s Banded Together To REJECT The Federal Reserve. Bankers & The Media Lied To The People & Included Clauses Limiting Congress Powers AFTER They Passed Central Banking Legislation. It Was Passed When Most Of Congress Was “Out On Holiday”


“People knew what central banks were and understood them very well.


Everywhere a central bank went, there'll be wealth inequality, wild swings between economic booms and busts, and after each bust, those at the top of society mysteriously came out richer while everyone else got poorer. Europe was the running example of this at the time. The Federal Reserve was originally drafted as the Aldridge Bill, but when it came into Congress they recognized Senator Aldridge's name and smelt a rat.


The bankers needed better cover. They decided to send two millionaire friends to carry the bill to quell the suspicions renamed at the Federal Reserve Act.


Next, in a textbook lesson of deceit, the bankers set out to fool the American people through disinformation. In the newspapers of the day, the bankers screened and protested against a new Federal Reserve bill. It would ruin the banks, they exclaimed. The average person read the protesting articles of the bankers and thought to themselves, if the bankers hate it, it must be good and then they ended up unknowingly supporting a Trojan horse.


The bankers also fooled Congress by putting clauses in the bill that limited their power once the bill was passed. A doublehead fake of the public and Congress was all it took.


The bill was passed on December 23rd 1913 while most of Congress was out on holiday and with that a small group had complete monopoly over the issuing and creation of American money.”

0:22 / 1:25

11:16 AM · Nov 25, 2023


