this may have also just been Tuesday.
he has a nice garden for a weirdo, mother might be tied up in the attic. He will not have it and if his father was there. Kek
are all the words in the bible agreed upon?>
well then interpretation is up in the air and if that is a potential then absolute nature of any of it should be openly questioned and not accepted as fact.
and how is that determined? Who is the arbiter of truth? If it was so True why do so many disagree about it. Or are only those who disagree the ones who are wrong? Because any idiot can see the truth right?
If it is all controlled what does a fuck difference does any of it make if people either through what ever reason can never be told. Then what is the point of this entire fucking joke. If there are that many lies then someones stupid book no matter what belief it comes from is useless.
just shut the fuck up and give jesus a rim job, how is that for bad taste.