Anonymous ID: f3a3b1 Nov. 25, 2023, 12:45 p.m. No.19975712   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5721 >>6080

What happened to Joe Biden's tattoo!!!!


And now he is hairy?

Anonymous ID: f3a3b1 Nov. 25, 2023, 1:18 p.m. No.19975824   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Karli Bonne’ 🇺🇸


Damn, Alice looking rough today

Nov 25, 2023, 3:41 PM


skull and bones

Anonymous ID: f3a3b1 Nov. 25, 2023, 1:42 p.m. No.19975924   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5934 >>6090 >>6331 >>6409

Donald J. Trump



This Rigged Case should be ended immediately. POLITICAL WITCH HUNT!


Nov 25, 2023, 10:47 AM



Corrupt Co-Judge Engoron Is Upset About Being Called Mean Names.


Arthur Engoron, the Democrat donor judge overseeing a civil fraud lawsuit against Donald Trump, is upset members of the public are insulting him and “co-judge” Allison Greenfield. Court officials have filed affidavits arguing a gag order preventing Donald Trump from criticizing Engoron should not be lifted, supposedly to reduce the number of insults. Court Officer-Captain Charles Hollon alleged Trump violated the gag order with remarks alleging “[Chuck] Schumer’s girlfriend, Allison R. Greenfield, is running this case against me.”


“When Mr Trump violated the gag orders, the number of threatening, harassing and disparaging messages increased,” claimed Hollon. He provided transcripts of voicemails left for Engoron, describing the judge as a “little fruit cake” and a “fagot [sic] dork”. Other messages suggested Greenfield, his Democrat-linked law clerk, fellates his “micro penis”. Some of the messages were anti-Semitic in character, though in others the caller said they “love Jewish [p]eople.” Some of the messages appeared threatening, suggesting Engoron “should be killed,” but others said he should “not [be] assassin executed… But [after] trial executed for your crimes.” “The messages received by Justice Engoron and his staff every day [have] created an ongoing security risk for the judge, his staff and his family,” Hollon claimed, insisting the gag order reduced the volume of supposed threats.


Threats sent to the voicemail of Judge Arthur Engoron, according to an affidavit filed by Charles Hollon, a Court Officer-Captain in the NY Department of Public Safety. — nikki mccann ramírez (@NikkiMcR) November 22, 2023

Anonymous ID: f3a3b1 Nov. 25, 2023, 1:56 p.m. No.19975973   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5979 >>5980 >>6090 >>6331 >>6409

Tom Renz



This is a critical article about the #mRNA #modRNA #DNA poisons (like in the #COVID #vaccines) in our food. It really is a terrible situation and we MUST take action. My hope is that @MTG will have another hearing about the food supply soon.


Nov 25, 2023, 4:04 PM


#Truth #MAGA #usa #bigpharma @TrueGenFlynn @ClayClark @hisgloryme @themelkshow @annvandersteel @DougBillings @RealSKeshel @EricTrump @vigilantnews @VigilantFox @jdrucker @gatewaypundit @infowars @AlexJones @RepMattGaetz @RepClayHiggins @busydrt @CowboyLogic @petermcculloughmd




RNA and DNA in Our Food Supply - It’s Worse Than We Knew.



NOV 25, 2023


The situation for our food supply is worse than we knew. As a predicate to this conversation let me remind you of a few things. First mRNA, as discussed by big pharma and political class is nothing short of fraud. People are still talking about “messenger RNA” but the mRNA in the vaccines and food supply are NOT messenger RNA. Instead they are various versions of laboratory created RNA and/or DNA particles designed to be more stable and durable than messenger RNA. Some are specifically designed to survive digestion (


Worse than this, there are a tremendous number of DNA based “vaccine” technologies being created for use in people and animals. None other than the completely corrupted WHO is talking about and pushing it. Here’s a screenshot:


Please note the highlighted pull quote, “The field of DNA vaccination is developing rapidly. Vaccines currently being developed use not only DNA, but also include adjuncts that assist DNA to enter cells, target it towards specific cells, or that may act as adjuvants in stimulating or directing the immune response.” If this does not terrify you it should - remember, DNA vaccines have a very real likelihood directly entering and altering the DNA in your cell nucleus… quite possibly permanently.


A great overview of what is happening with this can be found at: If you are into science this article is great and gives you TON to be terrified about but I’m going stay focused on the point of this article. Here’s a screenshot from that article:


I included the portion aboutSV40and will discuss below but note that the purpose of the DNA vaccine is to enter the cell nucleus and deposit whatever gene sequence the big pharma scientists design. There are questions about whether this sequence will become self-replicating or if the genetic change will simply produce the product it is intended to and then die off. Both are clearly possible which means that these changes could potentially become permanent and systemic in the host system (feel free to argue with me about this - I have a LOT more documents to cite that are beyond the scope of this without making it a science project).

Anonymous ID: f3a3b1 Nov. 25, 2023, 1:56 p.m. No.19975977   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6090 >>6331 >>6409

Tom Renz



This is a critical article about the #mRNA #modRNA #DNA poisons (like in the #COVID #vaccines) in our food. It really is a terrible situation and we MUST take action. My hope is that @MTG will have another hearing about the food supply soon.


Nov 25, 2023, 4:04 PM


#Truth #MAGA #usa #bigpharma @TrueGenFlynn @ClayClark @hisgloryme @themelkshow @annvandersteel @DougBillings @RealSKeshel @EricTrump @vigilantnews @VigilantFox @jdrucker @gatewaypundit @infowars @AlexJones @RepMattGaetz @RepClayHiggins @busydrt @CowboyLogic @petermcculloughmd




RNA and DNA in Our Food Supply - It’s Worse Than We Knew.



NOV 25, 2023


The situation for our food supply is worse than we knew. As a predicate to this conversation let me remind you of a few things. First mRNA, as discussed by big pharma and political class is nothing short of fraud. People are still talking about “messenger RNA” but the mRNA in the vaccines and food supply are NOT messenger RNA. Instead they are various versions of laboratory created RNA and/or DNA particles designed to be more stable and durable than messenger RNA. Some are specifically designed to survive digestion (


Worse than this, there are a tremendous number of DNA based “vaccine” technologies being created for use in people and animals. None other than the completely corrupted WHO is talking about and pushing it. Here’s a screenshot:


Please note the highlighted pull quote, “The field of DNA vaccination is developing rapidly. Vaccines currently being developed use not only DNA, but also include adjuncts that assist DNA to enter cells, target it towards specific cells, or that may act as adjuvants in stimulating or directing the immune response.” If this does not terrify you it should - remember, DNA vaccines have a very real likelihood directly entering and altering the DNA in your cell nucleus… quite possibly permanently.


A great overview of what is happening with this can be found at: If you are into science this article is great and gives you TON to be terrified about but I’m going stay focused on the point of this article. Here’s a screenshot from that article:


I included the portion aboutSV40and will discuss below but note that the purpose of the DNA vaccine is to enter the cell nucleus and deposit whatever gene sequence the big pharma scientists design. There are questions about whether this sequence will become self-replicating or if the genetic change will simply produce the product it is intended to and then die off. Both are clearly possible which means that these changes could potentially become permanent and systemic in the host system (feel free to argue with me about this - I have a LOT more documents to cite that are beyond the scope of this without making it a science project).

Anonymous ID: f3a3b1 Nov. 25, 2023, 1:57 p.m. No.19975979   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6090 >>6331 >>6409


If RNA vaccines and treatments are scary, DNA based gene therapies are an absolute nightmare. As I noted in a previous article there are billions of line of code that make up the human genome and we cannot even write a few million in an operating system or phone without bugs so why in God’s name would I want someone tinkering with the code that makes me live? Remember, veterinary research translates very easily to human products ( and so to reiterate that this is happening, here’s a graphic from demonstrating the number of gene therapy products out as of early 2021 (with a bit of explanation of how they are made):


Let’s now turn to the SV40 part. This is relevant for the current generation of COVID jabs. Why you ask? Well let’s start with the above. Within the world of gene therapy there are 2 major components of vaccines/treatments. The first is the genetic code that you are trying to get into your cells and the second is the vehicle that is used to get it there. The vehicle is generally called an adjuvant and can be made from a lot of different things. We all know and love the lipid nanoparticles but there is more to it than that. When the jabs themselves are being made they are essentially distilled from DNA particles down into the “mRNA” that is in the shots. It appears that the DNA used to create these mRNA particles is SV40. I say this because we keep finding SV40 in the vials and also because it is a natural fit for the job. As noted above SV40 is able to be a carrier/vehicle (see,of%20less%20than%202400%20bp and Note that they’ve been using SV40 for a long time with the second article being published in 2004.


Let me address the 600 pound gorilla in the room. In light of the demonstrated fraudulent behavior of those pushing the jabs by stating that these were “messenger RNA” as opposed to laboratory created modRNA is it impossible that these same people did not intentionally allow a modified SV40 DNA creation to exist in these vials? Could this have happened despite the known risks of cancer that SV40 poses? Maybe it seems like a stretch but should we consider the almost available DNA Cancer vaccines these same people are about to produce (see While I cannot prove it, it would certainly be the ultimate snake-oil sales tactic to create a problem while prepping the cure but clearly the good people at big pharma would never do that right?

Anonymous ID: f3a3b1 Nov. 25, 2023, 1:57 p.m. No.19975980   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6090 >>6331 >>6409


Now let me bring this back around to the food supply. DNA vaccines exist and are available in the food supply and MANY more are being developed. Here is a great article demonstrating this: As you can see a number DNA type products are out or coming out. Whether they call them vaccines or something else is less relevant than the fact that these are all gene therapies and all have the potential to alter genetics permanently. Further, because of a loophole in the Organic Food Act in the USA, food that is genetically modified with a “vaccine” can be labeled organic. In light of the fact that the good people at big pharma have worked so hard to create transmissible vaccines that can survive through the food supply we need to ask ourselves whether there are any ulterior motives here. Further, even if these gene therapies are not designed with the specific intent to pass to people what impact will eating an animal with modified genetics have on human health? Will any of the injections that are designed to be more durable survive and pass to humans in a way that would expose humans to animal vaccines and what would that do? Where are the studies on all this (I can’t find any)?


I’m going to continue researching and writing on this but let me end with this, EVERYONE that has said ANYTHING about the COVID vaccines from the various international bodies, US Government, and Big Pharma has lied universally. We the people were lied to about COVID, masks, social distancing, early treatment, HCQ, Ivermectin, PCR tests, and the vaccines so why in the hell would we trust these same people to research, develop, and create new gene therapies and new delivery vehicles and not force them down our throats? Whether through lying about their presence in our food or other products or telling us they are safe and effective why would I trust these demonstrated liars? Frankly, I don’t and unless you are the type of person that is looking for a bridge to buy I recommend you don’t either. They ARE putting this garbage in our food and potentially in many other places. If they aren’t then they should support closing the organic food loophole and passing legislation that would require of disclosure of the presence of ANY gene therapy product in anything that could get into a human body in any way.

Anonymous ID: f3a3b1 Nov. 25, 2023, 2:10 p.m. No.19976021   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6047 >>6090 >>6331 >>6409




People are asking for receipts so here’s a big 1 from Vivek’s book “Nation of Victims”


He may pretend to be a Trump fan now, but he wasn’t when he wrote this book


He says the 2020 election was not stolen & Pence did the right thing on J6


These positions are disqualifying








Yeah I mean sure he:


-was affiliated with the WEF


-took money from the Soros family


-got rich in Big Pharma


-does massive deals with Pfizer


-pushed for masks, testing, and vaccines


-thinks Mike Pence did the right thing on J6


-thinks Trump is a liar about election fraud similar to Stacey Abrams


-never voted most of his adult life


-wants to re-enter TPP


-wants uncapped immigration (if they’re educated)


-changes his positions weekly when called out


But we should totally trust him to lead the MAGA movement b/c he called out Ronna McDaniel (like 99% of other Republicans have been doing for years)


Nov 25, 2023, 3:40 PM

Anonymous ID: f3a3b1 Nov. 25, 2023, 2:31 p.m. No.19976111   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6128 >>6331 >>6409


WORLD — The Polar Express has officially won the title of "Best Christmas Movie" amongst deranged, psychotic serial killers.


While normal humans find the film to be an unending string of nightmarish horror, The Polar Express has garnered praise from unhinged lunatics. "Oh yeah, I love Polar Express," stated notorious axe murderer Griff Hillsworth. "The way the animation makes all the characters look like they murdered someone and are now wearing a mask of their victim's skin - it just really speaks to me. The film does such an amazing job taking everything in a child that's supposed to be innocent and twisting it into fear, violence and mania. Ugh, it's just so good!"


Though popular with run-of-the-mill serial killers, The Polar Express has also developed a cult following amongst murderous dictators. "Seeing Santa as a tyrannical communist overlord – it's what made the Christmas story finally come alive to me," said North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un. "The North Pole in the movie looks so much like North Korea, it's honestly uncanny. Welcome to paradise, kid."


According to sources. mentally disturbed psychopaths rated a live viewing of The Nutcracker as a close second.


Starring Tom Hanks

Anonymous ID: f3a3b1 Nov. 25, 2023, 2:38 p.m. No.19976135   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6202 >>6266

Lara Logan



Air Force base walks back statement encouraging soldiers not to attend a conservative rally


"The message was based on incorrect data and sent outside of official base messaging platforms," the base wrote in an updated statement.


Nov 25, 2023, 2:38 PM

Anonymous ID: f3a3b1 Nov. 25, 2023, 2:58 p.m. No.19976219   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6235




Whole bunch of people going to look foolish for supporting this centrist in MAGA clothing


Nov 25, 2023, 10:11 AM






Replying to @DC_Draino






See the three red banners?…CCP

Anonymous ID: f3a3b1 Nov. 25, 2023, 3:27 p.m. No.19976334   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6353 >>6355 >>6371 >>6409








Wernher von Braun V2 rocket


The Wernher von Braun V2 Rocket Academy



The V-2 Rocket - Wernher Von Braun


Wernher von Braun’s V-2 Rocket


Wernher von Braun


The V-2 became the first artificial object to travel into space on 20 June 1944


Von Braun is a highly controversial figure widely seen as escaping justice for his Nazi war crimes due to the Americans' desire to beat the Soviets in the Cold War.[9][10][4] He is also sometimes described by others as the "father of space travel",[11] the "father of rocket science",[12] or the "father of the American lunar program".[9]He advocated a human mission to Mars.